Change insulin in pump??

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After 20 years on the pump it has come to my attention that I should not run past 4 days with insulin in my pump?? True or false??
Does insulin loose its strength after 4 days at body temperature?. Mine can last 6 days In my Accu-chek spirit combo? "Novorapid "
I think it’s to do with the plastic reservoir and the insulin degrading @Kevo When I had a (fabulous) earlier pump, it simply took normal pen cartridges which were glass and no mention was made of such a thing then. I used to use the insulin for around 12 days with no problems.

Now with my current pump (with a plastic reservoir) I tend to use it for 6 days, although I do occasionally forget to change the insulin and have used it longer. The official advice, I think, is change at 3 or 6 days. At least, that’s what my pump trainer said. So, I change my cannula at 3 days and then the cannula, tubing and insulin at 6 days. As I said though, sometimes I go longer because time whizzes past and I forget or am busy.
I was told to change my insulin at least every 4 days due to the plastic in the cartridge.
As I use far less than 200 units in that time, I only partially fill the cartridge and aim to change it every 3 days. I find 120 units gives me plenty of leeway.
This is why I am surprised by those who like the pre-filled cartridges- for me this would mean wasting a lot of insulin.
Yes, I’m not a fan of the modern pre-filled cartridges either, partly for the reasons you mention @helli and partly because I think it’s limiting. I also suspect that deals are done to tie in pumps to one type of insulin.

My older pump just took the normal glass pen cartridges, meaning I could use all the insulin even with small daily amounts, just like I would with a pen. It was flexible and neat.
When I had the combo I used to leave it 6 days (changing the cannula every 3 days) which was what the Accu-Chek rep who did my induction told me to do. Later when I switched pumps I was told I shouldn't have been doing that, but I had fantastic control on that pump. Much better than the current pump (Omnipod) which you have to change every 3 days as the pods run out.
With cartridges you fill yourself such as with the Combo, nearly 20 years ago now when I had my first one, they told us on Day 1 to change everything every 6 days, not 4, hence when they brought out the Insight with the pen cartridges, you changed the tubing every 6, not the cartridge itself, so not that much waste, honestly. So - as I need to change my cannula every 2 days that's 2 without tubing and then one with T. Plus I have to say I sometimes don't change the reservoir every 6 days if I still have enough left in it, and haven't dropped dead yet.
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