Change in hypo symptoms

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all

Was just wondering if anyone else had changes in their hypo symptoms when they started on a pump.

My DSN said it might happen but wow. I used to get the shakes and also mega happy (like an idiot drunk happy - made my hubby dance in the living room once until he persuaded me to test)... now I get really really stroppy, awful headaches and my lips and tongue tingle...

Anyway I can go back to the old symptoms?? Much nicer!
Sorry not Insulin or Pump, but I don't always get the same hypo symptoms.
LOL Grainger! - yep, at first, the symptoms always seemed exaggerated - like they were all really horrific lows rather than just a bit low - but after a while - I settled nicely into my familiar pattern.
My hypo symptoms have definitely changed over the years. When I was first diagnosed I noticed that if I woke up hypo I would be quite clammy and there was a distinctive odour which I've not noticed since. I used to get the tingly lips as well. I also had some really bad ones where I woke up unable to coordinate my muscles.
More recently the symptoms are more subtle, such as a feeling of unease or inability to stick at whatever I happen to be doing.
I think because my control is generally better, I seldom get sudden or large drops now.
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