CGM Patterns (T2)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Since stopping the Metformin, I've been using sensors to see what is going on. I've also been upping the carbs.

I've noticed a few interesting patterns when eating carbs.

  • If I up the carbs to a 'middling' amount I see a rise, followed by a small fall, then a period where it 'flatlines' and then a rapid fall. So the graph is like a little bump, a straight bit,and then a fall. Not sure what is going, but looks like insulin's kicked in and stopped the rise, caused a little fall, then pauses for a bit before kicking in again.
  • If I eat a lot of carbs, I see a rise, then a fall, then it goes back up again and falls again. I've seen it drop so fast the Libre sensor struggles to keep up with it.
  • Certain foods cause a dramatic falls - crisps, chinese takeaway, sometimes from the 7s to 5s in a matter of minutes.
  • Foods that absorb slow rises very, very slowly and fall very very slowly. Lentils sometimes don't even see a rise for over 2 hours.
  • I've read that insulin secretion is at its highest between 12 and 6 PM. Between 11am and 12 I see levels start to drop and they seem to be at their very lowest around 6. (This is apparently part of the circadian rhythm.)
  • As soon as I eat certain foods, BG drops a little (Cephalic insulin response?)
Next A1C should be interesting, I've eaten normally for 3 weekends where I had busy social engagements and just not worried about carbs.
Despite having nearly 100g of carbs in one meal, BG didn't go over 10.
Adding oats to breakfast sometimes sees levels lower all morning after the rise and fall, and get such an energy hit from it I have to go for a walk.

Given the amount of carbs I've been scoffing, I'm expecting the next A1C to be higher than the last one, though.
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