T2 injecting twice per day, I have been self funding cgm sensor for about a year, as I have quite severe neuropathy in my hands also a musician, so not keen on constant finger pricking. Self funding wasnt too bad when I was working, but since I retired, having to find that money each month is difficult. My GP practice diabetic nurse says according to the rules that she has , as I inject twice per day I should be able to get the sensors on prescription. I wrote a letter to my GP, in which I explained about the neuropathy, and that i would often have to prick several times to get enough blood to test, the fact that my hobby of guitar and banjo playing makes me reluctant to finger prick, and that since using the cgm, I have been able to control my diabetes far more accurately. He said he doesnt have the budget for that, and passed it on the the local Diabetic Centre at the hospital. They refused the request to fund cgm for me. Any help and advice from people here would be greatly appreciated.