CGM Location

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Relationship to Diabetes
We tried the Medtrum CGM on our daughter a while back. Had 3 or four fail in a row, still got two left to try. The rep said it maybe because Jo is only 4 and not enough fat on her arm. She also said it might be worth giving it a try on her belly. I know they are only licensed for upper arm but does anyone have any experience of changing sites and getting more success?
We haven’t used those sensors but have had dexcom and Libre and used both on the arm and abdomen. It was fine on the belly. Don’t go above or below the belly button. Give it a try.
Well that was a total waste of time. Geared her up for it, put it on, clipped the transmitter in……. Didn’t work. Took it off and on further inspection found the sensor was broken. Medtrum nano CGM. Honestly, does anyone know of anybody who has got one of these working regularly!? Are they even legit or is it some weird joke that I don’t get!?
Medtrum nano CGM. Honestly, does anyone know of anybody who has got one of these working regularly!? Are they even legit or is it some weird joke that I don’t get!?
Yep. I use them all the time now.
I found them more accurate than Libre and love the auto suspend integration with my pump. It is so good for me that I self fund Medtrum Nano CGM rather than the Libre I could get on prescription (although I plan to request NHS funding at my next pump clinic).
I have had one failure out of 10. This was my first sensor. It is more than I'd like but keeping my fingers crossed.
Well that was a total waste of time. Geared her up for it, put it on, clipped the transmitter in……. Didn’t work. Took it off and on further inspection found the sensor was broken. Medtrum nano CGM. Honestly, does anyone know of anybody who has got one of these working regularly!? Are they even legit or is it some weird joke that I don’t get!?

Is there a separate inserter Tom?

Just because with Enlites (old school Medtronic sensors) I had a couple of failures in quick succession that Medtronic replaced, and they sent me a new inserter as they felt it may be implicated.
Well that was a total waste of time. Geared her up for it, put it on, clipped the transmitter in……. Didn’t work. Took it off and on further inspection found the sensor was broken. Medtrum nano CGM. Honestly, does anyone know of anybody who has got one of these working regularly!? Are they even legit or is it some weird joke that I don’t get!?
How you finding sensor now? We have literally had one work for 13 days and the rest fail. My daughter is getting really frustrated now and im willing for it to work! Its crazy! We have new LOT numbers to try

How you finding sensor now? We have literally had one work for 13 days and the rest fail. My daughter is getting really frustrated now and im willing for it to work! Its crazy! We have new LOT numbers to try
Gave up with it. She’s only 4 and it’s stressful for her to put the sensor on, then for it not to work was a kick to us all. Will have a bash with the Libre 3 when it’s out, but until then I don’t think we’ll bother. Infuriating really. Definitely need a CGM that works. Testing 15 times a day is no good.
Testing 15 times a day is no good.
I agree, testing 15 times a day is not good. Why are you testing so often ?
Remember, many of us were diagnosed when testing was not as easy as it is today and only tested a couple of times a day. They are still alive 40, 50, 60 years later. Your daughter has many more opportunities with better insulin and better testing. So take care not to let her hate her life with diabetes by obsessing about perfect numbers
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I agree, testing 15 times a day is not good. Why are you testing so often ?
Remember, many of us were diagnosed when testing was not as easy as it is today and only tested a couple of times a day. They are still alive 40, 50, 60 years later. Your daughter has many more opportunities with better insulin and better testing. So take care not to let her hate her life with diabetes by obsessing about perfect numbers
Yeah I suppose we are just conscious that she has a long life ahead with this. Don’t want to do any damage with highs and lows. It’s definitely taken it’s toll on me and the boss. Feel like I’ve aged 20 years in the last 6 months.
I don’t know if the newer libres have different applicators or not but we hated the Libre applicator. Dexcom is bigger but is a press button and was more comfortable for my kid. We haven’t tried the medtrum so I don’t know what those are like. It’s worth a chat with your team to see what options there are and if they can help you to find a way to get one to work.

We tend to use a sensor sometimes rather than all the time. Maybe two sensors in a row then a break. It depends on his mood. It definitely helps to fine tune basal and ratios but we have had good HBA1C with finger pricks so it’s not essential to have a sensor.

Whether you have a sensor and a pump or finger pricks and injections or a mix try not to micro manage. You will drive yourself spare and use up a lot of good will with your kid. Most days we will only finger prick 4 times (meals and before bed). With a littler child then once in the night is probably a good plan too depending on what your team suggest and what the night time readings have been but if basal is well calculated you may not need that either. We tended not to finger prick for snacks unless we suspected a hypo. Finger pricking lots can give you a tonne of data but it’s not always useful data. With a sensor you can see the trends which is really useful but for finger pricks you really only need to do them for eating or if you suspect a hypo and then a test before bed. Don’t forget the fast insulin will work over a period of 4-5 hours with a peak after about an hour. If you’re tempted to correct before the insulin has done it’s full cycle you may be over correcting so patience is your friend.

I sympathise hugely. I found the first 6 months really hard. The first year really. It all feels much more manageable now though.
I don’t know if the newer libres have different applicators or not but we hated the Libre applicator. Dexcom is bigger but is a press button and was more comfortable for my kid. We haven’t tried the medtrum so I don’t know what those are like. It’s worth a chat with your team to see what options there are and if they can help you to find a way to get one to work.

We tend to use a sensor sometimes rather than all the time. Maybe two sensors in a row then a break. It depends on his mood. It definitely helps to fine tune basal and ratios but we have had good HBA1C with finger pricks so it’s not essential to have a sensor.

Whether you have a sensor and a pump or finger pricks and injections or a mix try not to micro manage. You will drive yourself spare and use up a lot of good will with your kid. Most days we will only finger prick 4 times (meals and before bed). With a littler child then once in the night is probably a good plan too depending on what your team suggest and what the night time readings have been but if basal is well calculated you may not need that either. We tended not to finger prick for snacks unless we suspected a hypo. Finger pricking lots can give you a tonne of data but it’s not always useful data. With a sensor you can see the trends which is really useful but for finger pricks you really only need to do them for eating or if you suspect a hypo and then a test before bed. Don’t forget the fast insulin will work over a period of 4-5 hours with a peak after about an hour. If you’re tempted to correct before the insulin has done it’s full cycle you may be over correcting so patience is your friend.

I sympathise hugely. I found the first 6 months really hard. The first year really. It all feels much more manageable now though.
Nice one. I think we do need a balance! Whilst trying to do your absolute best to manage numbers I’ve found myself snapping a few times about things that don’t matter. The missus handles it better than me but I’ll get there in the end I hope!
Nice one. I think we do need a balance! Whilst trying to do your absolute best to manage numbers I’ve found myself snapping a few times about things that don’t matter. The missus handles it better than me but I’ll get there in the end I hope!
You will. It is really tough but it does get easier I promise.
. Don’t want to do any damage with highs and lows.

Have you noticed any signs that she might be low? She might not be able indenifty it herslef at a young age. But have you noticed her acting any different when she's low?
Have you noticed any signs that she might be low? She might not be able indenifty it herslef at a young age. But have you noticed her acting any different when she's low?
That’s the odd thing. She has absolutely no signs at all. I was messing about playing football with her last week. When I checked her she was 3.2! It just drops so quick. But there’s no consistency with it.
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