CGM & Libre Survey

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Everyone, I'm undertaking some patient based research to try and find out about the use of CGMs amongst the PWD population. There isn't a decent sized data set from CGM users so I'm trying to address that gap. I've put together an anonymous survey, over at that asks a number of questions about CGM, your use of it and the benfits or otherwise that you see. There are a number of questions where "Other" is an option, and you can fill in freehand your thoughts if anything is missing. Whilst it has a detailed UK focus it is open to global responses.

Once we've reached about 500 responses, I intend to publish the results and there are still around 200 more responses needed to reach this figure. The information gleaned will be provided to healthcare providers, INPUT, and other organisations to try and help in the discussions about access to CGM.

Please head of to: and fill it in. I really appreciate you taking the five minutes to do this.

I guess I do not qualify as I do not know what a PWD is or what a CGM as if I did qualify I would know what they are lol.
Is it only CGMs you want or do you want feedback on Libre too
Is it only CGMs you want or do you want feedback on Libre too
LIbres are included, when you go to the first page of the survey,it asks what sort you use, and includes Libre in the choice.
I guess I do not qualify as I do not know what a PWD is or what a CGM as if I did qualify I would know what they are lol.
PWD = Person With Diabetes
CGM = Continuous Glucose Monitor (you'd know if you'd got one lol)
Please can you let us know when the survey closes, Tim, and remind us about it now and again if you're still wanting people to fill it in?

I'm about to get a Libre and I'm on the waiting list to borrow a proper CGM from local hospital so I can't do it now but might be able to in a few weeks if you still want responses then.
Have completed it
Done it with reference to Libre
PWD = Person With Diabetes
CGM = Continuous Glucose Monitor (you'd know if you'd got one lol)
Well I do have diabetes and it seems that although I do not have a CGM I do use the Libre and it seems those who use Libre are included. So off I go and do the survey 😉
Hi all, and thanks to those who have completed it. I see there are a few questions, so I'll try and answer them here.
  1. The survey covers all forms of Continuous Glucose recording, so Libre and CGM are included in it. Please feel free to answer it accordingly. I've changed the thread title to cover this now.
  2. I intend to keep the survey open until various targets for participation are reached. I'll take a first data cut at 500 responses and a second at 1,000, and I will probably close it at the end of the year if these numbers are not met.
Done - and it made me check the actual results. I do think I would get much worse results NOW if I had to go back to before the Libre, but the actual results still aren't where I want them to be!
Hi Guys, just a little bump on this one. Trying to get the count up. 339 completed so far. Only 161 to go to the magical 500!
Trouble is not many of us have either gizmo!
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