CGM for type 2 non insulin dependent

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Rosemary Belhay

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, does anyone have any experience of using continuous glucose monitoring as a non insulin dependent diabetic.
I have a busy work environment, and my blood glucose has not been well controlled, as I have tended to eat irregularly.
Grabbing time to check my levels, hasn't always been possible, and so I'm wondering if I could trial a cgm for a couple of months, to see if it helps to get me on a more stable road.
I know that I don't fit the criteria as it currently stands, but would like to know if anyone out there (type 2, non-insulin dependent), has been able to access this tech, and if it has helped to stabilize them.
Sorry to sound all doom and gloom but I would say pretty much no chance. Folks struggle to even get a meter and strips on prescription unless on certain meds or insulin for helping to learn about their trends and food responses 🙂

You can get a free 2 week trial from abbot and after that, you will need to self fund 🙂
I self fund.
As already been said not likely to get on prescription as many are not even prescribed strips, my strips were removed following me no longer on Gliclazide.
Hi @Rosemary Belhay , you can get a free trial of the Libre 2 which lasts 14 days. If you time doing this when you are able to monitor your diet and exercise this should give you a better idea of what is good and bad in your blood glucose management. It certainly helped me.
In my case, the sensor conked out after 8 days so they sent me another which I will use down the line to see how I'm doing.
At £50 per 14 days it's beyond the scope of self funding though.
Best if Nick.
Here's the link:
When you say you’re hoping a CGM would improve your blood sugars, what are you actually hoping to get from it? If you know that the problem is your eating patterns then you don’t need to have time to do any testing or pay for a cgm to see that you need to improve that issue, you can just go ahead and work on improving it without testing.

I can’t get one as a T2 on MDI, I don’t think you’d have any hope if not on insulin and not currently testing.
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