@CathyFP. I've bought the odd Libre in a chemist a couple of times. With an official T2 diagnosis you can claim VAT exemption.
An alternative manufacturer is Dexcom and I think you can only purchase direct from them. Currently they sell the Dexcom One which matches Libre 2 in price and the more expensive G6 or G7.
Libre 2 seems the most frequently used in UK and it lasts 14 days. You could use it periodically - ie wear one for a fortnight to see how your body responds 24 hrs a day to daily living and how it responds to specific foods. Then take a financial break and see how the next two or more weeks go and then have a second fortnight with Libre 2. And so on. Abott have been offering a free 14 day trial and I would apply for that straightaway while it still exists - even if you don't wear it immediately while you work out your strategy. The Libre 2 phone app allows you to record lots of notes but you should check your phone is compatible. Otherwise you need a Libre Reader which costs a further c.£50 and has a very limited basic note taking process. Recently Libre 2 when used with a phone app has been upgraded to provide a real time continuous display of readings, whereas the Reader needs you to scan to get an actual reading. So with a Reader it's not quite a true Continuous Glucose Monitor.
Dexcom One is a 2 part system. There is a Sensor which lasts only 10 days and a Transmitter that is clipped on top of the sensor which lasts 90 days. So the sensor is disposed of and the transmitter clipped onto a series of replaced sensors. Once the transmitter is activated its clock is ticking. So if you were to have 10 days with a sensor then 10 days without, followed by another 10 days with a new sensor (and so on) then the transmitter will be wasting away while there is no sensor. This is doable but makes it a bit wasteful across the 90 days. Dexcom One works to an app on a mobile phone, but it seems there are less phones that are compatible. Compatibility is easily checked - the app won't download and install if your phone is not compatible. Dexcom One also can work to a Receiver (equivalent to a Libre Reader) - which also costs £50 and I know nothing about. The Dex One phone app does not provide any note recording functions and does NOT allow you to take daily screen shots [just how unhelpful can a Manufacturer be? ! ]
I'm not going to talk about the more expensive Dexcom G6 or G7 at this moment.
Personally I would suggest starting with Libre 2 and see how that works for you as a simpler and more flexible start point. Both Libre and Dexcom provide a backup process for all your accumulated data into a web based site - which is really helpful.
All CGMs have limitations and you can find an explanation of those from the link below. All CGMs need you to still do some finger pricking - to establish the relative accuracy and to independently check when CGM readings are very low or high.
Moderator Note: This helpful reply was copied from another thread as it details some of the commonly experienced limitations of continuous glucose sensors. My blood sugar has been in perfect range for days now, but although I haven't changed anything, I'm starting to get very short periods of...
ALL THAT SAID - I would suggest you challenge your less than helpful GP to do his/her bit. With an HbA1c starting at 40 in 2020 some 3 yrs ago and then steadily rising to 53 today that GP, in my opinion, has a medical responsibility to help you find out what is going on - rather than sitting unhelpfully on their hands. You could apply for and start a Libre 2 trial (having done some preparation in deciding what you can find out and how) then your GP could assist by prescribing a Libre 2 at least once, to allow you to have 14 days with, then 14 days without and a further 14 days with. Armed with 6 weeks knowledge the Surgery could then provide some brain power to assist with some detective work! I despair at our NHS strategy - it is well aware that T2 is a blight, yet do far too little to help and guide those diagnosed with T2. You are clearly concerned and want to do your bit to improve your health, challenge your GP to add aome value! Rant ended.
Members of this forum can point you towards a strategy for how to get useful data from a CGM.