CGM accuracy

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Very interesting.

I'm currently doing my own comparison of Dexcom G6 and Aidex. I have both on at the moment and I'm part way through the second Aidex sensor. My takeaway so far is that they are both pretty consistent in the BG range of about 6-10, but outside that they can differ considerably. In the critical range of 4-6 the Aidex on me was not great. In fact it has never (in the 3 weeks so far of the trial) shown me less than 4, and according to it I have been 99.6% in range. Sounds great but manifestly improbable.

I had my 6-monthly consultant review yesterday (HbA1c 42 or 6.1% in old money) and I asked him whether the CCG would now fund my G6 in the light of the latest change in NICE guidelines. After a lot of umming and erring, he basically said no, but maybe in the future, which is still no. He started rattling on about the Libre 3, so I said I'd give it a try and he said he'd write to the CCG. I'm not holding my breath.

As it stands at the moment, I'll be sticking with the Dexcom.

Of course, these are just my personal experiences.
so it seems that dexcom put more work into testing the acurrcey?
I had my 6-monthly consultant review yesterday (HbA1c 42 or 6.1% in old money) and I asked him whether the CCG would now fund my G6 in the light of the latest change in NICE guidelines. After a lot of umming and erring, he basically said no, but maybe in the future, which is still no. He started rattling on about the Libre 3, so I said I'd give it a try and he said he'd write to the CCG. I'm not holding my breath.
Then you need to push for the G6 as I understand it NICE says you can have.
I've a pump clinic next week so will see what is on offer, verbally I was told I could have the Dexcom the letter from endocrine clinic is open to interpretation. So will await with interest to see what is offered.
so it seems that dexcom put more work into testing the acurrcey?
It sounds like they tested in a sensible way (presumably knowing that their product would give good results), and some of the others (perhaps being less confident) chose weaker tests.

(It's also possible that the others are (or feel they can argue they are) aiming at T2 users or even people who aren't diabetic at all. In which case testing on a lower proportion of T1 might be more plausible.)
It sounds like they tested in a sensible way (presumably knowing that their product would give good results), and some of the others (perhaps being less confident) chose weaker tests.

(It's also possible that the others are (or feel they can argue they are) aiming at T2 users or even people who aren't diabetic at all. In which case testing on a lower proportion of T1 might be more plausible.)
Yes if I'm going for something to help me manage my type 1 I would want it to be tested on type 1s 🙂
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