Carrying a spare pen

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I've been using my 640g for a few months and in the main we get on very well, though it does like to attempt the odd bungee jump!

As instructed I also carry around a spare pen and needles with me. I just realised today that I'm still carrying around the same pen as I was a few months ago so it is probably well past its use by date.

This got me thinking - do all pump users carry around a spare pen and throw it away each month? Seems a waste

I've been using my 640g for a few months and in the main we get on very well, though it does like to attempt the odd bungee jump!

As instructed I also carry around a spare pen and needles with me. I just realised today that I'm still carrying around the same pen as I was a few months ago so it is probably well past its use by date.

This got me thinking - do all pump users carry around a spare pen and throw it away each month? Seems a waste

I don't use disposable pens because as you say, they are a terrible waste. I do carry a reusable pen and a cartridge which I try to remember to change every month. I was thinking this morning that it would be less wasteful to carry a syringe instead and use the insulin from the pump cartridge if it goes wrong, but I'd rather not carry syringes in my bag.
Good idea. I'll speak to my GP about switching.

One other question I had is what to do if the insulin left in the vial isn't enough to fill up the pump reservoir. I've been throwing it and the reservoir in the bin and starting a new vial as I didn't think it a good idea to mix insulin from different vials. Again, it seems wasteful. Any thoughts?
Good idea. I'll speak to my GP about switching.

One other question I had is what to do if the insulin left in the vial isn't enough to fill up the pump reservoir. I've been throwing it and the reservoir in the bin and starting a new vial as I didn't think it a good idea to mix insulin from different vials. Again, it seems wasteful. Any thoughts?
I don't use a whole vial in a month, so I always throw the vial away with a bit left in because if I mixed it the old insulin would have been open for more than a month before it was used. If that wasn't the case then i wouldn't hesitate to mix them, I don't think.
I only carry a spare pen when I could not get home within one hour of an emergency.
In those cases I take NOvorapid pen and date it 28 days on with discard date, as I did when using pens. If giong overnight I also take a Levemir pen, also dated. It does waste the cartridge most of the time as I rarely use it.

I now have a spare pump as I was given a new one after four years, so use that as my back up if I am giong away instead.
Thanks again. One vial does me around 6 set changes and then there is some left over. So you think it's ok to mix insulin from two vials?
I do! Doesn't seem to have done us any harm yet! I also think that insulin lasts longer out of the fridge than the 28 days they tell you, so whilst I do chuck spare pen cartridges away at intervals, it isn't always exactly on the 28 days 😱 🙄
I used to when on my first pump but never do now. We all work on a double safe regime but can you imagine what it was like in the 60s ? 😉
Thank you!
This got me thinking - do all pump users carry around a spare pen and throw it away each month? Seems a waste
No just a syringe as can poke it in the pump cartridge and use that insulin. Waste not want not is my motto 🙂
Thanks again. One vial does me around 6 set changes and then there is some left over. So you think it's ok to mix insulin from two vials?
Yes why ever not? 🙂
Just wasn't sure. I wasn't told I could when I was given the pump that I could. Thanks
Hah! - I had a Combo pump first and always just carried syringes and took them on holiday etc. About a couple of years later one day I was having difficulty with highs (site had gone off very very quickly hence why I ignored it for half a day) and thought well I'll change everything but first I best correct by syringe, hadn't I, like you are supposed to LOL

By this time I'd already filled the new pump reservoir form the new vial of insulin but not loaded it so thought I may as well fill from the reservoir as a more realistic practice run for when I was out and about. Good job I did! - the needle on the syringes wasn't long enough to get down the neck of the reservoir in order to withdraw any insulin with reasonable ease! Being at home I just did it from the vial out of the fridge NP - but I never actually carry a vial around with me out and about.

Back to pens for emergencies pdq!
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