Carpal tunnel syndrome

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Does anyone have any experience of carpal tunnel syndrome?

After several months of increasing pain in my wrist I've been to see the doctor who's diagnosed me with it. I have some anti inflammatories for a couple of weeks then going back to see the doc who specialises in it when we'll talk about splints, injections etc.

Some of what I've read indicates that there are links to diabetes so I wondered if anyone else has/has had it?
My friend, who is Type 1 (36 years) has had operations on both hands for it not sure if it is D related will ask her what her consultant said.

I think it is one of the (many!) conditions that has links with diabetes. I had carpal tunnel when I was only 31 and had both hands operated on under local anaesthetic ten years ago. My hands have been mainly fine since and my GP has assured me that it can't return once the carpal tunnel release has been done. I think that I was lucky in that my consultant recommended the operation straightaway (after we'd received the results of tests) rather than trying splints or steroid injections first.
I had it for a while in my 20s and had to wear a splint for a few weeks, followed by physio to strengthen the wrist. Never had it since.
I have had it in both hands. I was given steroid injections - which worked for a few months but then wore off. I then had the op on both and they are fine now.🙂Bev
My friend has it and had the operation ten days ago. Type 1 for 30 years she was told it was related to her diabetes.:(
Does it fall into the same category as 'frozen shoulder' then? Anyone can get it, but we're more susceptible? I wonder why?
Does it fall into the same category as 'frozen shoulder' then? Anyone can get it, but we're more susceptible? I wonder why?

oh I have had a frozen shoulder before diagnosis, but then who knows how long I have been walking around with D 🙄
Does it fall into the same category as 'frozen shoulder' then? Anyone can get it, but we're more susceptible? I wonder why?
I have a frozen shoulder after a trapped nerve in my neck...still got both.... dr is waiting to see if it will subside with lowering my blood glucose levels??
Like the others, i had it in both hands. Wore splints for a few months, didn't help. Had the steroid injection which helped for a while then wore off. Then had surgery and have had no trouble since.
I've had it in both wrists, but mine wasn't (AFAIK) linked to D, it was due to extended breastfeeding - apparently that can cause it too?!

Occurs to me that maybe they don't really know what causes it and just blame whatever's handy... 😉 :D
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is often caused - and/or aggravated by using a computer keyboard without keeping the wrists straight.

Anyone using a computer regularly at work for an hour or more should ask for a workstaion assessment by a trained person.


Does anyone have any experience of carpal tunnel syndrome?

After several months of increasing pain in my wrist I've been to see the doctor who's diagnosed me with it. I have some anti inflammatories for a couple of weeks then going back to see the doc who specialises in it when we'll talk about splints, injections etc.

Some of what I've read indicates that there are links to diabetes so I wondered if anyone else has/has had it?
had CT a few years before i was diagnosed diabetic but that was work related as a sand moulder ,in the past few months ive been getting a really bad pain in my right arm [at the top], it reminds me of the CT pain i used to get might see DOC about it ,
Hi strange seeing this thread today!

After so long, I finally decided to go & see my Dr about the increasing problems with my right hand...It turned out that I have CT and will need surgery!...This is because I have increased assoiciated weakness in the hand, can't even butter my Granuary toast properly, also find I am dropping things because the numbness is very bad, and can't pick some
things up! :(

So, I will just have to wait for an appointment now, Dr says I won't have to be put to sleep, so that is good!....Not so scared if I'm going to be awake...I think :confused:

I found this on Wikipedia:

Most cases of CTS are of unknown causes, or idiopathic. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be associated with any condition that causes pressure on the median nerve at the wrist. Some common conditions that can lead to CTS include obesity, hypothyroidism, arthritis, diabetes, and trauma.

The common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome can be remembered using the mnemonic, MEDIAN TRAP for Myxoedema, Edema, Diabetes mellitus, Idiopathic, Acromegaly, Neoplasm, Trauma, Rheumatoid arthritis, Amyloidosis and Pregnancy.

I will let you know how I get on with the surgery....hopefully the waiting list won't be too long!

Hugs, Ellowyne xXx
I suffered from the condition when my blood glucose levels were high (i.e. HbA1c at 9.4%). My GP was even willing to send me for an operation which he explained might make things worse and permanent. I decided to wait and the symptoms went away.

Now that I have lowered my blood glucose levels to HbA1c 5.1% I don't get any signs of the condition.
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