Carelink USB results

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just plugged in my Carelink USB and downloaded my BG, insulin doses & carbs to the computer. My average BG for the last two weeks was 7.5 which, according to a couple of mmol/l - HbA1c calculators online should equate to an A1c of 6.5-7%. This is amazing for me - the lowest I've managed is 7.1% and under 7% is my target for the end of the year. Getting there!

However, as I said in a recent thread, I've been having too many hypos recently. Looking at the composition of my daily insulin dose, too much of this is bolus (around 55-60% bolus). So my plan is to reduce my carb:insulin ratio and after a couple of days probably increase my basals.

On the hypo front - officially none so far today. However, I suspect I had one during the night which my liver dealt with because I woke with a higher than normal BG and the mother of all headaches. Tonight I'm feeling like all the hypos are catching up with me - exhausted, niggling headache and feeling pretty nauseous. A night in front of the box for me!
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Ugh. After my elation earlier my BG is now 15.7. Completely random and feeling poo.
Grr. After a correction and temporary basal my BG was still high. Decided to change set & when I removed the old cannula it was bent. After having been in for 2 days. How?! 😡
Oh dear sorry t hear about your 15.7 not nice Emma.Hope your numbers improve reading what you said there looks like your getting there hun , keep up the good work that hbA is looking good.
Thanks Steffie! Had a bit of a nightmare day with one thing or another and the support means a lot.
Grr. After a correction and temporary basal my BG was still high. Decided to change set & when I removed the old cannula it was bent. After having been in for 2 days. How?! 😡


I think in your post on the 'pumping' thread you said you dropped your pump twice, that could well have dislodged the canula or sometimes it could just happen, if you twist funny maybe. Ask Bev about bent canulas, nightmare 😱

Hope you feel better soon.
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