Care point pen needles 4mm 0.25


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I ordered needles three weeks ago and my pharmacist has been unable to source the above needles. They say they are out of stock. I called my GP today and the pharmacist at the health centre tried to obtain needles from other chemists. I ended up driving a 25 mile return journey only to be told a mistake had been made and they had no Carepoint needles. After a couple of hours my local chemist texted to say my prescription was ready, box of Carepoint needles but with a slight difference 4mm, 0.23
I live in Scotland. Has anyone else experienced this ?
Is there any reason you want or need Carepoint needles? There are several other brands readily available.
I had a problem getting bd needles, i think it was, a couple if times. In both cases i was able to wait and they had them in within a month.
I tend to run on having a couple of months of everything in stock.
Is there any reason you want or need Carepoint needles? There are several other brands readily available.
I don’t care what needles I use but because it’s on my prescription it can’t be changed unless my GP agrees. I also fail to understand why I am not just given an alternative. ‍♀️
I usually just get whatever needles the pharmacy can get, but I did notice that the BD ones I sometimes get now come in boxes of 90 when my prescription is for 100 . I don't bother asking for the other 10 .
I don’t care what needles I use but because it’s on my prescription it can’t be changed unless my GP agrees. I also fail to understand why I am not just given an alternative. ‍♀️
Yes, thats what i don't get too. I mean, its nive to get stuff you are familiar with but if ones happy with a substitute then that should be possible
4mm 32gauge are what most people use, so I wonder if there is a reason why you normally get 25gauge and if perhaps that was the problem in sourcing a non standard size?

As regards prescribing an alternative I think it may depend if your prescription specifies Carepoint 4mm 25g needles or whether it just states 4mm 25g insulin needles. It is to do with pricing I believe because some needles will cost more than others and doctors have budgets, so the pharmacist cannot dispense something which might be more expensive as an alternative without it being sanctioned by the doctor. Also, some people need specific brands of needles prescribed because they have adverse/allergic reactions to the coatings on other brands.
I've just asked for a prescription of insulin needles for the first time from my gp the first prescription I had was from the consultant and the centre. They have given me the microdot 5mm 30g ones. Are they OK?
I don’t care what needles I use but because it’s on my prescription it can’t be changed unless my GP agrees. I also fail to understand why I am not just given an alternative. ‍♀️

It will be to do with the way the prescription is worded. Even for drugs there are brand-named and generic names.

And a pharmacist is unable to dispense a generic form if the brandname is written on the prescription (so if it were to say Neurofen, they couldn’t give you a bog-standard ibuprofen even if they had loads in stock).

Perhaps you could ask your Dr to write future needle prescriptions in as generic a way as possible, or with a named item for which there are no shortage issues?
It will be to do with the way the prescription is worded. Even for drugs there are brand-named and generic names.

And a pharmacist is unable to dispense a generic form if the brandname is written on the prescription (so if it were to say Neurofen, they couldn’t give you a bog-standard ibuprofen even if they had loads in stock).

Perhaps you could ask your Dr to write future needle prescriptions in as generic a way as possible, or with a named item for which there are no shortage issues?
Pharmacy next to our drs just change it. Hubby was Metformin SR they changed to a different drug just said did same! We moved to Boots now as they did same with my gastro tablets.
Pharmacy next to our drs just change it. Hubby was Metformin SR they changed to a different drug just said did same! We moved to Boots now as they did same with my gastro tablets.

Metformin SR is the generic name of the medication so they can prescribe any slow release Metformin product under any brand name, like Glucophage for instance. It is when a brand name is specified like in this case "Carepoint" needles that they can't then prescribe a generic or other brand needles, without the doctor changing the prescription.
I've just asked for a prescription of insulin needles for the first time from my gp the first prescription I had was from the consultant and the centre. They have given me the microdot 5mm 30g ones. Are they OK?
I get prescribed the 5mm 30 ones as well. Work well for me. Doctor initially prescribed the safety ones which guide the needle and I felt they were to cumbersome and filed my sharps container to quickly
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