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Carb, protein and fat in every meal theory


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, has anyone tried having carbs, fat and protein combined in a meal and found it stopped or reduced a glucose spike?

I like wholemeal pasta and wondered if I had it with olive oil and cheese it would stop the stomach pain and fatigue I experience after eating it.
There are lots of theories about 'pairing'. From personal experience, when I wear a CGM, I notice that meals with a good degree of fat delay any spike I might have from carbs but they don't appear to prevent them. I'm pretty sensitive to the carbs in wheat in particular so it doesn't really matter what I pair with anything wheat based - I get a spike and the nasty symptoms that accompany it. For me, that's palpitations and a general sense of dizziness. I don't even have to go 'high'. I sit in the 4s/5s generally so a spike to 7 or more will give me those symptoms.

But diabetes is so very 'your mileage may vary' that I am stating this as a lived experience rather than anything objective!
Almost every meal is a combination of carbs, protein and fat unless you deliberately try to exclude one of those macronutrients.

Stomach pain is not usually associated with diabetes, so I wonder if perhaps you may be gluten intolerant as you also mention in another thread that you are having similar problems with bread. If you have a problem with gluten then perhaps try gluten free bread and pasta etc or simply avoid those foods which contain wheat which is the main source of gluten.
Almost every meal is a combination of carbs, protein and fat unless you deliberately try to exclude one of those macronutrients.

Stomach pain is not usually associated with diabetes, so I wonder if perhaps you may be gluten intolerant as you also mention in another thread that you are having similar problems with bread. If you have a problem with gluten then perhaps try gluten free bread and pasta etc or simply avoid those foods which contain wheat which is the main source of gluten.
Yes edamame or black bean pasta is gluten free and also low carb only 15g carb per 100g dry wt so a better option than wheat based anyway.
I make sure I have fats, protein and carbs with every meal but I do limit the carbs or my BG spikes over 3mmol/l more than pre meal test.
I try to keep my overall calorie intake to around 2000 per day. This seems to keep my weight stable at about 55kg and gives me enough energy to exercise every day.
I like wholemeal pasta and wondered if I had it with olive oil and cheese it would stop the stomach pain and fatigue I experience after eating it.

As 'everyone is different' why not try? You could start with a smaller portion of pasta dressed with a little olive oil. If OK you could try a medium portion. Then add some cheese. And so on step by step.

Basically my diet is protein and non-starchy/lower GL vegetables with olive oil, sometimes with berries and yogurt or some cream. I have not found it necessary to test for spikes during weight loss and maintenance.
Sorry to hear you’ve been experiencing stomach pain after meals @Snikta63 :(

Drowsiness, fatigue/lethargy, ‘indigestion’ type sensations, hunger, and fuzzy-headedness are fairly common, but stomach pain strikes me as unusual?

Does it happen after any meal with elevated BGs for you. How about following ric or potatoes? Do you get no stomach pain for a lower carb meal (eg a big leafy salad with a cheese omelette, which would have hardly any carbs)?