Carb Phobia

Hi all

I have been Type 1 Diabetic for over 20 years now and have not always had the best control (mainly through my teenage rebellious stage!) but have always tried my best!

I am currently on a closed loop system (Tandem & Dexcom) and have recently over the last few months discovered a serious aversion to carbs... I want to eat them but as soon as I look at my pump and see there is IOB from a correction I instantly change my mind and will either snack on something carb free or very low carb. I am now down to roughly 25-30g carbs a day and i know this isn't enough. This mainly comes from my breakfast bar each morning which I am confident in injecting for and know the carbs will be right.

This all started with a bad hypo and followed by a fear of hypos whilst on holiday but now my sugars are running higher and my time in range is getting less - no hypos in sight now but I can't get the fear out of my head.

I know it's a problem and I am on occasion getting ketones, not to a worrying level but I don't know how far this will go.

Has anyone been through something similar or know where I should go for help?

My diabetic team just tell me to eat more carbs which I know i need to but I just can't get over this fear. I am awaiting an appointment with the dietician but this could be months.

Sorry for the long post and if i have missed anything, I am just at a loss and know it is all in my mind but I don't know how to stop it.

Thank you 🙂 Lucy
Yes, I had a similar fear @Lucywyton18 I dealt with it by starting off by under-bolusing for carbs so that I knew I wouldn’t go hypo, and/or splitting my bolus. Once I was happy eating properly again, albeit with reduced boluses, I carefully and slowly increased the boluses to the correct amounts. To start with I chose ‘easy’ carbs, eg sliced bread, where I knew the carb amount. I then expanded the range of carbs I ate. This process took time but that time meant I could do it gradually and became confident.

As you have a Dexcom, also make sure your Low alarm is set at a good level. Knowing that will alert you in plenty of time also helps a lot, as does the Falling Fast alarm.

If you think it’s the loop causing/contributing to this, then ditch it. It’s not like it’s keeping you in a great range anyway, is it? I turned down a loop and haven’t regretted my decision. I do love my Dexcom though (G7).

You can sort this. Take baby steps and do it gradually and systematically.
Thanks Inka. I need to get back to this as I had started to make progress and unsure what has set me back. I think when I have a bad day it knocks my confidence!

My husband suggested these issues began when I went on the loop but I honestly can't remember what I did before it. I had really good control and my hba1c came down to better than it has ever been. I know it is just this one bad hypo that has triggered this so am reluctant to give it up currently.

Will start again with the baby steps and fingers crossed it helps. I think it helps to know others have been through similar even though I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Thank you for your reply it has helped me feel a little better already.
I was terrified of carbs when first diagnosed. Ended up very miserable. One day I sat myself down and ate the sandwich, took a lot of mental power but after around a month or 2 of eating half a sandwich I felt confident enough to get back to eating somewhat normally
It was a hard slog. You’ll get there in your own time, slow and steady wins the race so to speak.
That first step is hard but worth taking!!
Hi @Lucywyton18

I know how you feel, have been going through the same thing myself now for a while, it is a terrible feeling, i'm doing split bolus with smaller portions (as @Inka said) my basal is good which is essential, but continually in my mind is the thought of dropping too fast once figures are in the green.

Tbh i feel like i know less now than when first diagnosed! hopefully it will be just a blip for you and get back on track soon.

It sure does mess up a decent TIR though.

Good luck