Carb intake levels

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I’m type 2, since Jan and taking 1000 mg metformin a day. Lost 8 kg and weight gone from 101 kg to 93 kg. My question is what carb levels are people sticking to on a daily basis, I’ve seen conflicting information and I understand personal circumstances influence but broadly what should the average type 2 be consuming daily?
It is suggested Type 2 should have less than 130gm carbs a day. However some people are very sensitive to carbs and have far fewer. I found I react well with 90gm a day, having experimented between 50gm and 130 gm. Blood glucose slowly falling and I don't feel weird. There's no hard and fast rule, just testing until you find what suits you best
It really is the amount you can cope with - and different people can cope with different amounts.
I need to stay under 40 gm of carb a day, and less in the morning than in the evening as my insulin resistance alters during the day. I used a blood glucose meter to sort out what I could eat and when, which was a great help. Legumes were odd, as I reacted to them as though they had almost twice the amount of carb as listed, so I eat only half portions, if I eat them at all.
It is suggested Type 2 should have less than 130gm carbs a day. However some people are very sensitive to carbs and have far fewer. I found I react well with 90gm a day, having experimented between 50gm and 130 gm. Blood glucose slowly falling and I don't feel weird. There's no hard and fast rule, just testing until you find what suits you best
Thank you, that’s good to hear and reassuring as 130g is what I’m allowing myself daily although I rarely exceed 80g per day!
I am currently doing less than 50g, but don't really know if more will affect me or not. I just went straight into low carb to get the blood sugar and weight down and haven't done much experimenting with high carb food (I did have a meal with an Apple in it today and tested before and after to see what the effect was.).
I am currently doing less than 50g, but don't really know if more will affect me or not. I just went straight into low carb to get the blood sugar and weight down and haven't done much experimenting with high carb food (I did have a meal with an Apple in it today and tested before and after to see what the effect was.).
Cheers. How did the apple impact you?
Cheers. How did the apple impact you?

It didn't - I was 5.8 pre-meal, and 5.3 two hours later. Maybe it was because the Apple was in a salad with other stuff (Celery, Chicken and Yoghurt).
It didn't - I was 5.8 pre-meal, and 5.3 two hours later. Maybe it was because the Apple was in a salad with other stuff (Celery, Chicken and Yoghurt).
That’s really good pal, I’m still getting to grips with it all and understanding what I can and can’t do?
That’s really good pal, I’m still getting to grips with it all and understanding what I can and can’t do?
Me too, only been diagnosed for around six months - I have a 'set' of meals that I know don't affect me, but for something new (Like the Apple salad) I do some tests to see what I can handle. So far I've found I can handle a lot of fruit without issues and also sweet potatoes and a small portion of potato. I'm fine with legumes... we all seem to be different.

I've had modest portions of pasta without issue, but haven't tried bread.
I stick to about 70g per day.
This link may help you find a way forward with what you can and can't do, promotes a low carb approach with has been found to be successful for many people.
I saw an endo last week and was very surprised to hear him say that 70g was a good level to aim for. Usually medics say oh no you need way more than that. He said humans can function perfectly well on that amount.
YES! I always did before diabetes and can easily still. OK I'm not huge, neither have I ever had a 'physical' job, nor engaged in huge amounts of exercise on a regular basis except on holiday - where in the past we've walked miles and swum during days on beaches. But then, you have eg an ice cream!
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