Carb Counting

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I live in Ireland and I don't really know anywhere that does a DAFNE course. Would The Calorie and Carb fat bible 2008 be the best book to buy does anyone know??? I need to start counting carbs. I have type1 diabetes.
Lo123, there is a list of places that run DAFNE on the DAFNE site at If your local hospital is not on there, ask them why not. If you are starting to carb count, it is best to do so with the guidance of a medical professional rather than doing it alone, since you may also need to adjust your insulin and find the ratio of insulin to carbs which suits you.
Lo123, there is a list of places that run DAFNE on the DAFNE site at If your local hospital is not on there, ask them why not. If you are starting to carb count, it is best to do so with the guidance of a medical professional rather than doing it alone, since you may also need to adjust your insulin and find the ratio of insulin to carbs which suits you.

Even if there is no DAFNE course, your PCT may run something. My PCT ran a course which was 1 morning a week over 3 weeks and included carb-counting. Not in the same level of detail as DAFNE, which is a 5 day course, but has proved sufficient for me as I now have good control and a great deal of freedom over what I eat and when.
Thanks for replys 🙂 Whats PCT stand for? At the moment I take 6 units of insulin for my meals and adjust whether meal is bigger or smaller? This is ok but I'd prefer better control. At xmas my BS was up and down alot. But I just need to have it under control as I have type one 3 years in april!!! Wow 3 years already! My hba1c was 5.7 a few months ago but it's the high and lows I need to get under control now.
Dear lo123,

PCT stands for Primary Care Trust.

Regards Dodger
Thanks for replys 🙂 Whats PCT stand for? At the moment I take 6 units of insulin for my meals and adjust whether meal is bigger or smaller? This is ok but I'd prefer better control. At xmas my BS was up and down alot. But I just need to have it under control as I have type one 3 years in april!!! Wow 3 years already! My hba1c was 5.7 a few months ago but it's the high and lows I need to get under control now.

PCT = Primary Care Trust - your local health authority.

I'm hoping for an Hba1c like that! My last one was 6.7, but that was only a few weeks after diagnosis and before I started carb-counting, so will be interested to see if I've got it right or not - my daily testing has been pretty much within range, but Hba1c might tell a different story.
I don't know the specific book you are referring to but any nutrition book that lists carb content should work but it's be worth speaking to your nurse/doctor before starting to carb count as all PCTs should provide some sort of education course, DAFNE or not which will help you get started. At the very least you should expect some sort of appointment with a DSN to start you on any new regime.
thanks for all advice. Im seeing my consultant at the end of this month so I will ask her then. She was supposed to refer me for a pump about a year ago now but I still havn't got it so she will be getting plenty of questions from me this time 🙂

Would anyone know why the top of my toes on my right foot feel like this - when I press down on them they feel like they sting but they don't. Hard to explain. I use a hot water bottle. Not sure what it is.
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