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Carb Counting & DAFNE


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Wow... a lot of you have reasonably good HB1AC's and on reasonable amount of insulin...
:) Well Done!!

Basically I was offered DAFNE (via email contact as live far from my consultant) on my last Endo Review; but due to sickness couldnt take it up.. I was very unsure of this.

Now reading up on this, does anyone have any experience of doing this through an email basis??

Any info greatly appreciated....
Wow, I've not heard of it being available by distance through email before. I'd probably be in two minds about it. I found dafne to be fantastic and totally life changing in the way that it helped me to manage my diabetes (rather than being told the answers it's more about finding the answers your elf which helps you continue once the course has finished). So on that front I'd say any opportunity you get to do it go for it.

However one of the most beneficial parts of the course for me was the face to face interaction with the other students, sharing experiences, making suggestions on each others reading etc as well as the face to face contact with the dsn/dietician. It was also great to have nothing else to think about for the whole week, I don't know if doing it by email would be without distractions in the same way. So I don't think I'd have got so much out of it if I hadn't been there in person but that may be different for you.
That sounds about the general consensus from other Diabetics I know..
The problem I have is that I like a fair bit away from the hospital, and couldnt afford 5 days in a hostel/hotel...
Could they refer you to do a course at a more local hospital, without having to transfer your care? might be worth asking.
Looked at that BDec; makes it quite easy execept dont know ratio to start off with... any ideas??
Thanks Sue will have a look, and tomo is a new day... HBA1C <9 would be good :)
Wish me luck...
good luck.......im going to give it a try too.

thanks for the links sue:D
Well todays update on bits...

Time BS CP Insulin Notes
0830 14.9 6 15u 6u Correction
1130 10.8 9 14u 1u Correction
1630 17.0 7 18u 7u Correction

My methodology may be wrong, can anyone give me any advice
I'm sorry I don't understand. Are your CP's carb portions of 10g carbohydrate? what insulin to carb ratio are you using?
is the insulin number the total dose (bolus insulin plus correction) or was the correction dose extra?

I think it's great that you are giving it a go and with some further guidence you'll get there :)
Hi Catareta,
I can't understand what you are asking/doing either :confused:
But if that 14.9 is a fasting blood sugar then you need to go back to basics and sort out your basal 1st.
Your fasting needs to be below 6 at least.
Unless your basal is correct you are waisting your time trying to sort out a carb ratio, as nothing will add up.

Best wishes

I was rather confused about the basal... the 14.9 was before the changes...

fasting below 6 (OMG!!) was told by DSN that morning one to be 8-10 mmols

Grrr... wish lived in cambs still :-(