Captcha Again


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am developing a psychopathic hatred of this app! Just now I wanted to check the status of a repeat prescription request (2 x Libre sensors). Before I could get to login name, password and 6-digit security code (texted to my mobile)mI had to battle these blurrily images a few times (goodness knows what partially sighted people do?). What useful purpose does this nonsense serve? The other day I gave up after over half-a-dozen attempts when trying to login to s/h book site! :(

And my prescription has not been authorised yet. Before this eConsult nonsense it was always done the same day or next day but now it takes a day or two longer! Why?
(goodness knows what partially sighted people do?)
Almost always there's an option for an audio version. (I'm not sure what that entails. Maybe you get some distorted voice reading the letters/digits?) If there isn't I think they're in legal trouble because as you say that's discriminatory.
What useful purpose does this nonsense serve?
It started as an effort to detect that a human rather than a bot was trying to access whatever it is, but I think it's safe to say that it hasn't been effective for a long time. It turns out attackers can buy human attention to solve these very cheaply and computers are better at them than humans are anyway.
I got really p*ss*d off with this yesterday. Before I was picked up by Patient Transport it popped up three times and when I had done a few right started over again. I was unable to access Amex, Patient Access (for a repeat) and a classic car club I belong to (used phone just before drops for this). Other sites were OK and I am now wondering if it is being spoofed as a DOS by some clown!
A second thought who instigates this rubbish. The ISP, Google or the website? Like the third party additional security on Patient Access it seems totally pointless!
I assumed it was the website. However, you seem to experience far more Captchas than I do. I can't remember the last time I saw one as most of the sites and apps I access (banks, insurance, utilities, NHS app) use MFA or biometrics.
Is this specifically to do with phone security? I don't think I have ever had to deal with this, but I use my PC for everything rather than my phone. Having to remember passwords is the bane of my life!