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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

Just tried the Sure T (steel) canulas first time with Millie and low and behold lasted all of 20 mins! Came off as pyjama bottoms came on 🙄 "Mummy my button's come off !" along with a few tears. Was sold on the "no kinking" reputation but seemed to lack adhesive power, rather disappointing. Any one else find this ? Must say easy to put in without the inserter device though.

Got another if she'll let me try again but not holding my breath 🙂
Havnt tried but doesnt sound right to me. What is problem with normal canulas ? The things stick really good on me & take a real effort to come off ! (Only once came off and knacked !) I wouldnt like a metal one. Good luck with efforts !! 🙂
Try putting some tape over the actual cannula top so it can't be caught and pulled out. 🙂
With the Quicksets we do get the odd kinking (just occassionally) then steeply rising BGs which is a little concerning. We are pretty much restricted to her buttocks due to fiddling little fingers and leaness, and they is a fair bit of bouncing around at times which probably knocks and kinks it.

We saw a rep from Medronic for 1st time and came away with a few to try. She showed us the Silhouettes as well but was put off by inserter which rep agreed was scary for a little one and wouldn't use it on her own 4yr old! They can be put in by hand but rep put us off saying it would be hard to get a little one to stay still long enough to do it.

Thought we ought to try and see if any suited her better as never tested any others before.

Tape may be good option but there are already two sticky's to place on her with these steel ones, just feel might be bit too much if you get my drift 🙂
I don't know the answer but would like to ask - cos I don't know the Medtronic sets - why are there 2 stickies?
One sticky is the steel canula and the second is the detaching device as can't be integral to the steel one, both are connected with about 12 cm tubing, like so : o-o

Hope that makes sense 🙂
She showed us the Silhouettes as well but was put off by inserter which rep agreed was scary for a little one and wouldn't use it on her own 4yr old! They can be put in by hand but rep put us off saying it would be hard to get a little one to stay still long enough to do it.

To be fair, I got showed the Inserter for the silhouettes on Monday and I said its looked scary. And I'm 22!

Are the Sure T the ones that go in at a 90 degree angle?
Tape may be good option but there are already two sticky's to place on her with these steel ones, just feel might be bit too much if you get my drift

There's no such thing as too much tape 🙂 Mefix tape is exelent for the purpose. If you place it over the cannula it then acts as a barrier to the edge of said cannula and stops clothes ripping it out. Better more tape than a child having the cannula ripped out. I can assure you it hurts 😱 It has only happened to me the once and it wont happen again I can assure you. :D
There's no such thing as too much tape 🙂 Mefix tape is exelent for the purpose. If you place it over the cannula it then acts as a barrier to the edge of said cannula and stops clothes ripping it out. Better more tape than a child having the cannula ripped out. I can assure you it hurts 😱 It has only happened to me the once and it wont happen again I can assure you. :D

True enough, I am going to give it another trial in due course and will try your suggestion, many thanks.

Akasha - yes they are 90 degree 🙂
Thanks - yes have seen those, now you say.

As Sue said - yeeow. I've only done it once too and it was cos I stuck the ruddy thing too high up and my waistband was far too close Fortunately I was walking into our bedroom at the time, unzipping me trews to get changed - just as well as I had to sit on the bed and stick me head between my legs ..... and I'm 61 and no wimp. Nearly threw up ....
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