Canula worries

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Ben has had one canula change so far since going on the pump - an impromptu middle of the night job because I wasn't happy with his high teen numbers that wouldn't come down. Anyway having been told to do it every 3 days going by the clock next change should be 2 o'clock this morning so obviously decided to do it first thing in the morning. However having taken him to toilet half hour ago he complained it was sore and it looks very red around it and almost as if there is blood in canula. He has been very active tonight and now I'm worried maybe I should have changed it. His blood was a little high at 12.8 though not that unusual just now. Been told only to correct him if really high at night for now but have corrected anyway and will check in a few hours. Don't know what I expect anyone to say but just wanted to talk out loud as it were to see if what I'm doing makes sense!
Ben has had one canula change so far since going on the pump - an impromptu middle of the night job because I wasn't happy with his high teen numbers that wouldn't come down. Anyway having been told to do it every 3 days going by the clock next change should be 2 o'clock this morning so obviously decided to do it first thing in the morning. However having taken him to toilet half hour ago he complained it was sore and it looks very red around it and almost as if there is blood in canula. He has been very active tonight and now I'm worried maybe I should have changed it. His blood was a little high at 12.8 though not that unusual just now. Been told only to correct him if really high at night for now but have corrected anyway and will check in a few hours. Don't know what I expect anyone to say but just wanted to talk out loud as it were to see if what I'm doing makes sense!

Hi Ruth,
The best time to change a cannula is before a meal. This then means a bolus is given as well. This allows for a good blow out so to speak of the new cannula and also you can tell very quickly if the cannula has worked ok.
But no you do not have to change on the minute. Sometimes I end up doing a change at evening meal rather than lunch time.

If it's sore or looks red then change it before the due time. Same if Ben has high numbers that won't come down. It's always better to be safe than sorry.
I always dab a bit of antiseptic cream on after the old cannula is removed.

Sounds as if you are doing a fine job Ruth.🙂 Does Ben like his new pump?
i would always change my cannula if its sore or red or if im not happy with it for any reason.
you'll get the hang of it soon 🙂
sue: i had not though of changing before a meal as an extra check, however, i find if i put too big a bolus through a new cannula it really hurts! its like it needs to settle for a little while!
sue: i had not though of changing before a meal as an extra check, however, i find if i put too big a bolus through a new cannula it really hurts! its like it needs to settle for a little while!

Wow never heard of that before 😱
Not sure what pump you use but some pumps you can change the delivery speed of the bolus. So if you set that at the slowest, this would improve things for you.
Mind you I use very little insulin for a bolus anyway. It's always recommended to leave your old cannula in for at least 2 hours after a change as well. (Obviously don't do this if red/infected) 🙂
Thanks for that. Sue he seems to love it. Wasn't impressed with canula change - think doing it when he was half asleep last time gave me a false sense of security. Though to be fair around the canula and the plaster does look much more reactive this time. I'm now fully stocked up on tea tree cream, baby oil and lift off plaster spray so maybe a combination of these will help next time. Had good readings all day yesterday then disappointingly high last night and today. Don't think today's highs are anything to do with canula change but will keep an eye on things.

Ruth x
Hiya Ruth

When you get more into this you will realise that sometime when high, they get very very insulin resistent and no matter how many corrections you do, they will stay high. You will start experimenting and when I know Jessica is being resistent I'll put on an increased temp basal as well as correct just to get it down, generally it works. I am not suggesting you do this yet, you will learn what works.

At the moment stick to the rules that your DSN has told you to do.

We never change a canula just to fit in with meals, not that easy to be that precise with kids. I do it when I need to do it. We change everything every three days but sometimes you may need to do it on the second day for some reason and also at other times like you have found if sore. Always change it looks wrong or sore, a site infection is nasty and goes quite deep even though looks small and always needs antibiotics so try not to let it get that far.

So far you sound calm and you seem to be doing just fine. Keep going, you'll get there.

Hi Ruth,
There's a spray on barrier called Cavilon. This will also help to protect Ben's skin from the sticky if he's showing a reaction to it.
It's on prescription as well 🙂
I'm so glad he is liking his pump. Has he chosen a name for it?

Don't worry about the up's and down's to start with. It is a steep learning curb well worth the effort though.
As it's all new to you and Ben basals have to be fine tuned as well. Hence the higher numbers today. Give your DSN a ring tomorrow with all blood test results if you need advice on how/when and how much to change the basal.
As Adrienne has commented temp basal rates are very helpfull in bringing down high numbers as well 🙂
Yep we use Cavilon. Have used it since the beginning. Not only does it help with irritation (for some people) it makes the canula stick better.

Be warned though a few cannot use Cavilon as they come up to that.
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