Canula Sites

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, since I still have a little Lipohypertrophy (Thanks Northerner 🙂) on my stomach I decided to give it a break and use my thigh for a bit.

I have to confess that I failed to take into account that my body would absorb insulin at a slower rate at first and found my levels creeping up on me.

I've had an interesting ride these past two days went as high as 17.4 Early Monday morning it took nearly 4 hours to bring it down and I found that my usual dosage wouldn't bring it down so had to over compensate. Started climbing again last night after being fairly reasonable most of the day, lowest was 5.4 and highest was 11.7 shortly after breakfast. Anyway at 11pm I reach 13 and decided to go for a jog to try help bring it down before it got too high again. 20mins later and it was down to 8.9 which I was very pleased with 🙂 Woke up on a 5.6 and found that by the time I got to work I was at 11 :( not usually a problem when I use my tum as I had my basal just about sorted.

I guess what I'm getting at here is where does everyone else use as canula sites when they want to give there poor tums a rest and what adjustments do you find you need to make for the alternate location?
Well the kids on cwd use their bottoms (not the bit they sit on). You can use your upper arms as well and your thighs (which you are). You can use the love handle bits (if you have them of course) according to a picture I recently saw.

I also know children who used to inject their insulin into their calves, no idea if you can put your set there, would need to ask about that, I would be a bit dubious about that but if you can inject there why not (don't quote me on that one).
I'm not particularly good at site rotation, but just wanted to say that I use my love handles & it is so much more comfortable than anywhere else!

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