Can't get this sorted

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One hypo free day is a start. make a note of all the things you did to make it that way, and perhaps it will happen again? Good luck.
I was celebrating finally having a hypo-free day yesterday. So of COURSE I can't make it two. I am fed up of having so many hypos. It's starting to get me down. :(

Do feel for you. Happily I've only ever read about them.
Do you write down what you eat, insulin, excercise and when you have hypos? If not, it might be a good idea. You might need to reduce the amount of insulin you take at certain times of the day, or might need to have some snacks.

Do you have ratios worked out?
I think part of your problem is that you are on such low doses - must be so difficult to make adjustments to keep good control. I can drop 2,3 or more units off my dose if I want, but you can't. I wonder if there's an argument for a pump there which could give you much finer control?
I don't have ratios, because I'm still on such small amounts. I went on a carb counting morning, and they wouldn't work out my ratio for me, because it was like 1/4 unit to 10gCHO or something ridiculous like that.

I don't snack, or at least I try very hard not to, so as to try and control weight.
I'll ask about that when I've got clinic on the 2nd. I thought they did half unit pens, but I wasn't sure about it.

Northe: re the pump. I doubt they'd give one to someone still honeymooning. And truth be told, I'm scared of one. I've said this before, so I know it's no big dirty secret!
I'm hoping for a demi pen too, I'll dig out the pip code for it and just tell your quack you want it.

I haven't had a hypo, unless on the booze or in the garden for a while, and I think it's because I constantly under estimate the amount I need, sometimes I go without, and correct later, probably not best, but I'm slowly working on it. I genrally roughly guess carbs and half it then round down or up depending on activities.

I guess you know all of the above but just thought I'd share, don't be frightened to take small amounts.

Hope you make it two days in a row soon

NovoPen? Demi Availability
The NovoPen? Demi is available on prescription. The PIP Code is 270-7024
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