Can't get rid of this awful cough/cold and feeling terrible.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've had this horrible virus that's going around for about a week now. I can't stop coughing, can't taste anything and haven't really been eating that much. I don't seem to be feeling any better. Checked my blood glucose this morning and it was 13.2. Is this normal? I've always managed to get over illness really quickly in the past (in fact I'm rarely ill) but this has absolutely floored me. Any advice/suggestions welcome. Thanks 🙂
Sorry to hear that you are suffering. I was stuck in A&E for over 8 hours prior to Christmas with what you are describing, and the majority of people there had viruses or were children suffering from Strep A. Ever since my diagnosis, any illness (which tends to be like clockwork around late November!) causes my BG to rise. My Libre looked like a rollercoaster prior to Christmas, with big post prandial spikes and generally higher than average levels. I am fairly certain this is the liver kicking out adrenaline and glucose to help the body ward off the virus. High BG can also have a negative effect upon the body's ability to ward off illness though. It took two and a half weeks for things to return to normal and my GP signed me off from work for 3 weeks.

Have you tested for Covid?

I am a teacher, so coughs and colds are par for the course, but like you, in the past I would fight off the illness in a few days. Twice in the past five years I have been struck down with viruses that have lasted around 3 weeks. Stress is something that can also affect BG levels considerably, so trying to focus upon your well being and not worrying about things that are out of your control (easier said than done I know) can help.

I hope you start feeling better soon!
Just out of interest, are you following the Diabetes 'sick day rules?' The Learning Zone has some really useful advice for when we are ill.
Sorry to hear that you are suffering. I was stuck in A&E for over 8 hours prior to Christmas with what you are describing, and the majority of people there had viruses or were children suffering from Strep A. Ever since my diagnosis, any illness (which tends to be like clockwork around late November!) causes my BG to rise. My Libre looked like a rollercoaster prior to Christmas, with big post prandial spikes and generally higher than average levels. I am fairly certain this is the liver kicking out adrenaline and glucose to help the body ward off the virus. High BG can also have a negative effect upon the body's ability to ward off illness though. It took two and a half weeks for things to return to normal and my GP signed me off from work for 3 weeks.

Have you tested for Covid?

I am a teacher, so coughs and colds are par for the course, but like you, in the past I would fight off the illness in a few days. Twice in the past five years I have been struck down with viruses that have lasted around 3 weeks. Stress is something that can also affect BG levels considerably, so trying to focus upon your well being and not worrying about things that are out of your control (easier said than done I know) can help.

I hope you start feeling better soon!
Thank you so much for your kind words. It's so frustrating feeling like this, I've basically been sat on the sofa watching TV for a week - Christmas and New Year has been a write off.
I've tested for Covid a couple of times this week (both negative). I had Covid back at the beginning in 2020 - that's the last time I was ill, but it floored me for 3 weeks. Interestingly I was diagnosed with Type 2 a couple of months later.
Think I need to stop being hard on myself & make the most of the enforced rest!!
Hope you are feeling better now. Thanks again.
Daughter came down with a virus when she broke up from school and she was prescribed antibiotics to get rid of the cough as it's hung around for so long. She rid herself of it about 4 days ago. Last couple of days... I've started coughing 🙄- fingers crossed it's nothing that will floor me!
Daughter came down with a virus when she broke up from school and she was prescribed antibiotics to get rid of the cough as it's hung around for so long. She rid herself of it about 4 days ago. Last couple of days... I've started coughing 🙄- fingers crossed it's nothing that will floor me!
Eek! Hope you manage to keep it at bay!!
Thank you so much for your kind words. It's so frustrating feeling like this, I've basically been sat on the sofa watching TV for a week - Christmas and New Year has been a write off.
That's miserable. I went to Liverpool for Christmas (from London) and initially my brother was sick in bed so most of the plans (like Christmas lunch in a restaurant) were cancelled. But he seemed to recover so things went ahead. And now I've got something. (I'm hoping it's the same thing and so goes away quickly, but of course it probably isn't: there's lots of viruses out there, given that it's winter.)
That's miserable. I went to Liverpool for Christmas (from London) and initially my brother was sick in bed so most of the plans (like Christmas lunch in a restaurant) were cancelled. But he seemed to recover so things went ahead. And now I've got something. (I'm hoping it's the same thing and so goes away quickly, but of course it probably isn't: there's lots of viruses out there, given that it's winter.)
You’re absolutely right - there’s so much going around. Christmas for me was cancelled as a couple of family members had a stomach bug. At least I managed to avoid that Then this horrible virus hit me a couple of days later.
Hope you manage to shake off whatever it is!
So sorry you are unwell!. Hope you feel better really soon
I have something very similar - got through Christmas then totally floored. Covid tested negative . BG's have been up at 10.5 but mostly 9s. I still have an appetite so am eating.
Not on any meds so can't increase them to compensate.
Husband has it too - mainly bad cough. I have v.bad earache:(
I've had this horrible virus that's going around for about a week now. I can't stop coughing, can't taste anything and haven't really been eating that much. I don't seem to be feeling any better. Checked my blood glucose this morning and it was 13.2. Is this normal? I've always managed to get over illness really quickly in the past (in fact I'm rarely ill) but this has absolutely floored me. Any advice/suggestions welcome. Thanks 🙂

Had nasty cold start of December & few days later wife got it, went on for 3 weeks just couldn't shake it off. Bg did go high initially but settled down again, very common when dealing with sickness colds & flu.
In 1967 when I went to work for an insurance company, I worked in the Household insurance department. There was a standard condition when dwellings were unoccupied that during the winter the water supply would be drained and turned off at the mains between October and March inclusive. That's how long my colds lasted every winter. I've only had this one since November.
Had nasty cold start of December & few days later wife got it, went on for 3 weeks just couldn't shake it off. Bg did go high initially but settled down again, very common when dealing with sickness colds & flu.
Have now got penicillin for ear infection and BGs seem to be coming down a but. Hope everyone else is getting better
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