Can't get levels down on tslim pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, been on tandem tslim for a week now, and at first all good. However, last 2-3 days levels just won't come down and are consistently in double figures, done all the changing of infusion sites and cartridges, it just doesn't seem to initiate basal adjustments to keep levels at around 6ish.
Any help most welcome, thanks
Hi all, been on tandem tslim for a week now, and at first all good. However, last 2-3 days levels just won't come down and are consistently in double figures, done all the changing of infusion sites and cartridges, it just doesn't seem to initiate basal adjustments to keep levels at around 6ish.
Any help most welcome, thanks
Erm there's a thing called basal testing which has to be done so you can set the correct basal pattern for you. If you do not know how to basal test then look at the sticky at the top of the page.
Hi all, been on tandem tslim for a week now, and at first all good. However, last 2-3 days levels just won't come down and are consistently in double figures, done all the changing of infusion sites and cartridges, it just doesn't seem to initiate basal adjustments to keep levels at around 6ish.
Any help most welcome, thanks

Sorry to hear you are having a rough time switching over to the tSlim @Casper :(

Good to hear that you’ve tried some of the obvious fixes, but frustrating that those haven’t worked for you.

Which infusion sets are you using? I discovered (or at least hypothesised) during my first year or two on tSlim that my sites with Autosoft 30s seemed vulnerable to occasional ‘tunneling’, where insulin can leak back around the teflon cannula to the surface. Some time’s I’d have unexpected highs and then rubbing my finger on the site would reveal a telltale insulin smell. I think it’s because the little bit of sticky that first tacks the site in place doesn’t always stick in the right place for me, and it’s possible for the site to ease backwards a little when I withdraw the inserter. The fix is relatively simple - I just lift the front edge sticky and re-stick it flush while taking off the ‘front label’, which holds the site securely in its ‘fully inserted’ position while I take off the back label.

Also remember that CIQ is basing any adjustments on your current profile, so in terms of increasing basal, and then micro-bolusing, it will be using your profile info as a basis for how much extra you need. Might be worth switching CIQ off and running a manual basal check? Or just upping your basal insulin profile by a notch or two?

Hope you get it sorted soon. It’s always a bit of a faff shifting to new kit or new insulins eh? Nothing ever seems to be a straight swap :(
I presume you’re referring to the control iq of saying that you’re frustrated with it not adding more insulin. My guess is that control iq predicts rises and if you’re consistently higher but with a flat profile then it doesn’t kick in as well (it seems to me with watching my kid’s that it’s slow in adding insulin unless there’s an obvious rise anyway). Any algorithm is only as good as good as the data you’ve input so doing a basal check and just being sure about your bolus ratios and correction factors will help.

Oh actually. Have you initiated the control iq? It doesn’t just need to be installed. There’s a further step afterwards.
Thanks all, after doing another full cannula and insulin cartridge changeover at 4am, I am now sitting comfortably at 5.7. So I'm blaming cannula/cartridge on this occasion.

Mike - it's an Autosoft 90, certainly something to be aware of in the future. I had a fairly comprehensive training session at the hospital in regard to changing over, including basal patterns and control iq, and they were my next choice to call this morning.

As regards basal testing, I have done this on numerous occasions, and am happy that my basal patterns are correct for my needs (with an occasional tweak). In retrospect, I should have done another full cartridge/cannula change earlier, but a bit of panic was beginning to set in 😳

Thanks again folks, good to know you are here at all times of the day.
Mike - it's an Autosoft 90, certainly something to be aware of in the future. I had a fairly comprehensive training session at the hospital in regard to changing over, including basal patterns and control iq, and they were my next choice to call this morning.

Ah, OK. I don’t think my experience would apply then - it’s peculiar to the insertion process of the angled sets.

Hope things settle for you a little now 🙂
My daughter uses the Autosoft 90 - could the cannula have got bent on insertion? Can happen occasionally. She had one once that had bent so far round it was almost sticking back out again 😳
She still prefers them to the metal ones though!
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