Can't get down below 14

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just a couple of weeks ago i posted about how much less insulin I needed running about at work...

Now, 4 days into the holidays, I have gone back up to my original ratios and then some... I can't get my blood sugars down! For the past 4 days I have either bounced radically (Fri: 5 - 14 - 4 - 14 - 4) or just remained stable between 11 and 14. Because my blood sugars have been better for the last few months I'm starting to feel really grotty. I had gone from a 1:5 ratio(taking 4 units to cover it) for breakfast down to 1:10. This morning I woke up with a 13.9, I gave myself a 1:10 ratio (9 units) plus 3 correction units (so 12 altogether) and am STILL 14.6 :( I have just given myself another 3 units because I just want to come down... But I'm getting cross now!!

I'm not really after advice, just a bit of a rant! I hate that whenever anything changes it means starting from scratch all over again 😡 Hopefully in a few days it'll settle... Bloody diabetes.
How annoying! Have you tried fiddling with your basal as well as the ratios? If your readings are raise across the board it may be that's what needs changing...?
Changes in your levels of activity are probably having an impact. When you're very active you have many more insulin receptors 'switched on' in your cells, so they lap up the glucose much better. On the other hand, you may be sickening for something and this is an early warning sign before the other symptoms kick in? It must be very frustrating, especially when you are trying so hard, so I hope it settles down soon. Give your DSN a bell and bend her ear!🙂
How annoying! Have you tried fiddling with your basal as well as the ratios? If your readings are raise across the board it may be that's what needs changing...?

Well, I think my night time basal is ok, because I went to bed with a blood sugar of 14.2 and woke up at 13.9; not in range but, if I understand it right, it's done the job it's supposed to do? As in keep it steady?

Changes in your levels of activity are probably having an impact. When you're very active you have many more insulin receptors 'switched on' in your cells, so they lap up the glucose much better. On the other hand, you may be sickening for something and this is an early warning sign before the other symptoms kick in? It must be very frustrating, especially when you are trying so hard, so I hope it settles down soon. Give your DSN a bell and bend her ear!🙂

Yes. I'm having a foot-stamping day today. Thank you for the science bit, Northerner! Maybe I should just get off my bum and be more active! But to be fair... After the amount of energy I've used up in the last few weeks I'm quite enjoying having a few days of inactivity (aka couch pototo, hehe) It's just a shame blood sugars are turning it sour. I was wondering about illness... I feel fine though, blood sugar grumpiness aside, so fingers crossed not! I will give my DSN a ring tomorrow and see what she advises. Thank you. I just needed a bit of a rant :D
Just a couple of weeks ago i posted about how much less insulin I needed running about at work...

Now, 4 days into the holidays, I have gone back up to my original ratios and then some... I can't get my blood sugars down! For the past 4 days I have either bounced radically (Fri: 5 - 14 - 4 - 14 - 4) or just remained stable between 11 and 14. Because my blood sugars have been better for the last few months I'm starting to feel really grotty. I had gone from a 1:5 ratio(taking 4 units to cover it) for breakfast down to 1:10. This morning I woke up with a 13.9, I gave myself a 1:10 ratio (9 units) plus 3 correction units (so 12 altogether) and am STILL 14.6 :( I have just given myself another 3 units because I just want to come down... But I'm getting cross now!!

I'm not really after advice, just a bit of a rant! I hate that whenever anything changes it means starting from scratch all over again 😡 Hopefully in a few days it'll settle... Bloody diabetes.


am having the exact same problem as you, for last two days, have too just corrected a 13.9 3 hours after breakfast!! woke on 12.1 and corrected that too!

Was worried coming down with the dreaded but dont feel ill and temp and ketones ok.

I lowered all my ratios and basal few weeks back when weather hot as kept hypoing all over the place, my ratios are back to what they were, not quite as high with the basal, but just so frustated like you 😡

It seems my control only stays fairly ok for a couple of weeks and back to drawing board again, ive even been trawling through my diary to see if any patterns re hormones etc but nothing :(

am having the exact same problem as you, for last two days, have too just corrected a 13.9 3 hours after breakfast!! woke on 12.1 and corrected that too!

Was worried coming down with the dreaded but dont feel ill and temp and ketones ok.

I lowered all my ratios and basal few weeks back when weather hot as kept hypoing all over the place, my ratios are back to what they were, not quite as high with the basal, but just so frustated like you 😡

It seems my control only stays fairly ok for a couple of weeks and back to drawing board again, ive even been trawling through my diary to see if any patterns re hormones etc but nothing :(

Rubbish! But at least we're not alone..? 😱 Maybe it is to do with the weather a little. I feel the same, Tracey - it works for a few weeks then something rocks the boat and it's back to square one again. I guess it's just onwards and upwards... Good luck with it, keep me posted!

(I just corrected a 14 with 3 units and no food - don't shout, Northerner! - because I was so sick of being high. I then went down to 3.4 :( My own silly fault, but sometimes it's just too frustrating!)
Hi All...

Oh its so annoying when this happens....😡...As you may be aware I've been having similar problems with Nathan.

Although in the past couple of days with adjustments to both basal and bolus, over a week long period, Nathan seems to be coming in on range..a little higher than usual...but below 10...🙂

Hi Munjeeta!

As you know, i am on another forum for children with diabetes. Almost without exception, nearly every time a child is on holiday from school, their requirements for insulin changes!😱
The majority of the children start to get higher levels - mostly due to less activity - but also due to the fact that they are using much less brain power.
So i suspect you are suffering the same as them! Like everyone has said, start with your basal and watch it for 3 days, and keep going until it is right. Then if required ,start with the ratios. It might be a good idea to write these new ratios down for future reference and school holidays!🙂
Hope you get it sorted.:DBev
...(I just corrected a 14 with 3 units and no food - don't shout, Northerner! - because I was so sick of being high. I then went down to 3.4 :( My own silly fault, but sometimes it's just too frustrating!)

I think you did a pretty good job there, actually, given how volatile your levels seem to be. I'd be fine with a 3.4 - just needs topping up with a jelly baby or two! I guess I am so used to hovering around 4, that 6 feels high to me (sorry, probably not what you want to hear!)
Sorry to hear you are having some troubles getting on top of your holiday numbers. Have you worked out your correction factor (insulin sensitvity)? What I mean by this is you know that 1 unit of insulin drops your blood sugar xpoints. My personal correction factor is 1 unit to drop me 5 points. So if I was 14 then 1 unit would drop me to 9, 1.5 units 6.5, and 2 units to 4.
here is a link, it is from US to divide by 18
Hi All...

Oh its so annoying when this happens...As you may be aware I've been having similar problems with Nathan.

Although in the past couple of days with adjustments to both basal and bolus, over a week long period, Nathan seems to be coming in on range..a little higher than usual...but below 10...

Hi Munjeeta!

As you know, i am on another forum for children with diabetes. Almost without exception, nearly every time a child is on holiday from school, their requirements for insulin changes!
The majority of the children start to get higher levels - mostly due to less activity - but also due to the fact that they are using much less brain power.
So i suspect you are suffering the same as them! Like everyone has said, start with your basal and watch it for 3 days, and keep going until it is right. Then if required ,start with the ratios. It might be a good idea to write these new ratios down for future reference and school holidays!
Hope you get it sorted.Bev

Ah... Ok... So maybe tomorrow morning I'll get back on the familiar basal testing boat, hehe, oh joy! Yes, I have written down my tweaked term time ratios so come Sept I can get straight on with it. Thanks for the advice 🙂

I think you did a pretty good job there, actually, given how volatile your levels seem to be. I'd be fine with a 3.4 - just needs topping up with a jelly baby or two! I guess I am so used to hovering around 4, that 6 feels high to me (sorry, probably not what you want to hear!)

No, Northerner, not what I wanted to hear at all, you have the knack of always saying the wrong thing 😉 Unfortunately I don't like 3.4's... And even less 3.0's with a 21.7 bouncback which I've just had 😡 Up and down like a yoyo :(

Sorry to hear you are having some troubles getting on top of your holiday numbers. Have you worked out your correction factor (insulin sensitvity)? What I mean by this is you know that 1 unit of insulin drops your blood sugar xpoints. My personal correction factor is 1 unit to drop me 5 points. So if I was 14 then 1 unit would drop me to 9, 1.5 units 6.5, and 2 units to 4.
here is a link, it is from US to divide by 18

Thanks, Nikki, mine is (normally) 1 unit to 3 mmols. Hence why I was surprised that I dropped all the way down to 3... Oh well. I'm going to give up for today, punch a few pillows and wake up and try all over again in the morning. Fingers crossed...
Rubbish! But at least we're not alone..? 😱 Maybe it is to do with the weather a little. I feel the same, Tracey - it works for a few weeks then something rocks the boat and it's back to square one again. I guess it's just onwards and upwards... Good luck with it, keep me posted!

(I just corrected a 14 with 3 units and no food - don't shout, Northerner! - because I was so sick of being high. I then went down to 3.4 :( My own silly fault, but sometimes it's just too frustrating!)

he he 😱 I did the same, dropped like a stone, down to 6 within an hour, but felt myself going down rapidly! then had lunch and minused some units, ridiculous.

Have upped my basal by 1 unit tonight, see what that does, hope you doing ok? 🙂
Hi Munjeeta!

As you know, i am on another forum for children with diabetes. Almost without exception, nearly every time a child is on holiday from school, their requirements for insulin changes!😱
The majority of the children start to get higher levels - mostly due to less activity - but also due to the fact that they are using much less brain power.
So i suspect you are suffering the same as them! Like everyone has said, start with your basal and watch it for 3 days, and keep going until it is right. Then if required ,start with the ratios. It might be a good idea to write these new ratios down for future reference and school holidays!🙂
Hope you get it sorted.:DBev

Interesting Bev, I too have been off work on holiday this week, I feel i have been really busy every day so didnt think would notice a difference in numbers. But the brain thing is interesting, i have really switched off from work and usually worrying about everything including 5 others, I also find driving takes my numbers down dramatically, brain thing i guess? Very interesting, thanks Bev, 🙂
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