can't cope with this

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have realy tried hard to turn things around but my Bg's are still way to high,i have completely changed my diet im exercising more but still bfore meals im mostley getting 8 plus after meals anything upto 18 basicly i just dont know what to do next,would asking the doctor to put me on insulin be a bit to extreme do you think, from what i have learnt im likely to end up on it at some stage,its not a route i realy want to take but at the same time i realy dont whant any more pills shoved down my throat im taking seven aday as it is,feel guilty about moaning about it all when there are people much worse off then i.
Caroleann, please DON'T feel guilty about doing your best! It may be that you are ready to go on to insulin, or maybe there are some different meds that the doctor can prescribe, so please do ask - there is nothing to be ashamed of! You understand very well the implications of these higher numbers, and your doctor will work with you to get those numbers back into range. Make an appointment and let him know your concerns and also make it plain how hard you have been trying, but still getting high numbers. Don't be afraid of going on to insulin - it is not a failure, it is simply a biological fact in your case that you are no longer able to support your pancreas with everything else in your armoury.

Good luck, and make that appointment!🙂
I hope everything woks out for you. You have worked ver hard. Had you not worked so hard your numbers would be even higher.

Don't feel guilty or that you are a failure. One of the things I have learned and this forum has reinforced it, diabetes has no rules and is always moving the goal posts.

Do as Northerner suggests, make an appointment with your doctor and give him the full works, tell him everything you have been doing and what your concerns are and see what help he can offer. If necessary write down everything you want to say, keep a diary, do anything you think wil help your cause.

Good luck, I'm sure things will sort out soon.
Hey Caroleann please dont feel guilty like all of us you are trying your best and thats all you can do, i was going through hell at the start every time i was testing my bloods i was up in the teens and it took me an age to get sorted but i did and even though these days i still get bad days i get through it , you will to keep strong you have a group of people who are 100% behind you and will be there for you when its needed and thats US xxxx
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Hi Carolean

I hesitate to recommend anything to someone who I don't know very well as I don't know the medical history, but do you think you might be a candidate for Byetta? ( if you don't know about this, I gave a bit of an intro to it in a post a while back -search for Byetta or pm me for details)

Byetta is injected twice a day, before meals and slows down the digestive process - it has a track record of bringing levels really quickly - I got mine down from 13 to under 8 in two weeks, having fought lack of control for several years. Some GPs are not clued up on this or think it is too expensive and there is a criteria which they must meet - overweight and been tried on the standard meds first. There may be underlying medical conditions which make it unsuitable also.

Might be worth thinking about if you feel it could be used in your case?

Best of luck and don't despair, something will get sorted for you I am sure.
Thank you for your replies,i am feeling a bit better now,i will be seeing the doc on friday as i have had prolems with headaches since being on the glimepiride plus my blood test results will be back by then so i will discuss the best route to take with her then.
You have all been a great help and i cant tell you how much i appretiate your support.
Thank you for your replies,i am feeling a bit better now,i will be seeing the doc on friday as i have had prolems with headaches since being on the glimepiride plus my blood test results will be back by then so i will discuss the best route to take with her then.
You have all been a great help and i cant tell you how much i appretiate your support.

The main things are you are feeling better and you will be seeing the doctor. Good luck, I hope everything is sorted and you notice improvements very soon.
Glad to hear your feeling better hun x
Northerner is absolutely right. A friend was having real problems with metformin and all the other meds. He then went on to a relatively small dose of insulin twice a day and feels a lot better in himself as well as having things under control. The only other med he now takes is a statin.
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