Can't Carb Count


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, just wondering if anyone out there similar to me who can't carb count because of steroids, I am on steroids and it doesn't matter what i eat my results are always high because of steroids, i could eat a salad and my sugars be 24 or eat a huge fry up and sugars be 24, been told by the clinic that because of steroids my insulin doesn't work properly, am so bloody fed up and depressed and as every day passes i get more and more angry and snap at my kids, need some support :(
I don't know what condition you are taking the steroids for, angel30eyes, but isn't there any alternative medication the doctor could give you?

I am on steroids for Ulcerative Colitits and no other than a bowel op no other meds :(
I am on steroids all the time too. :(
It sounds to me as if your care team are not doing their job properly.
It is posible to get your numbers down with the correct dose.
Demand a pump and that will get them scurrying to help you out :D
It sounds as if you need a lot higher basal than what you are on too.
I agree, your care team are obviously completely incompetent twits. Think that might be strong enough. There is absolutely no way that a competent medical team would leave you with levels of 24 odd. It is ridiculous.

I also agree, demand a pump. Tell them that under the NICE guidelines your HbA1c must be well over 8.5% with permanently high levels and as your current regime is not working at all, you have to have a pump and you qualify. If they won't get you one, then you are entitled to transfer hospitals or clinics and go to one that does do them. Your GP can refer you.

It is a disgrace and I really hope you get it sorted out soon for your sake.

If you want to have a look at the NICE guidelines, then they are in full and in short on (I know its a childrens site but they are on there under links I think - can't remember).

Good luck

Adrienne :mad:

They are quite happy with my HbA1c of 8.3 due to the steroids??