Cannula sites

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am getting lumps and soreness around cannula sites.
I am using higher sites at present to give lower abdo a rest, and there is a bit less ‘padding’ there, but it also has the advantage that it is clear of waistbands.

Does anyone have any strategies to avoid lumps and soreness.
I am still using my normal cannulas so no change of sticky stuff.
I avoid ANY sites that do that - no way am I spending weeks of my life in discomfort, even though it means getting my OH to not only insert and remove cannulas in my bum but also attach/remove/reattach tubing to the cannula(s) when I wash/shower - cos I can no longer reach those parts of me.
I avoid ANY sites that do that - no way am I spending weeks of my life in discomfort, even though it means getting my OH to not only insert and remove cannulas in my bum but also attach/remove/reattach tubing to the cannula(s) when I wash/shower - cos I can no longer reach those parts of me.
Thanks Jenny. I have not worked round the bum as had limited myself to areas in my own reach.
Have you tried barrier spray, I had some from my doctor but I keep forgetting to use it 😛
Have you tried barrier spray, I had some from my doctor but I keep forgetting to use it 😛
Is that to protect from the glues used on the cannula?
I might well ask about that at my next appointment.
Are you using your legs too?
I had never thought of doing that. I did when using injections.
Do you use legs for a pump cannula? Does it impact on absorption and if so how?
I've heard of people using thighs and arms, same places as when injecting on mdi, so I'm guessing same absorption. I tried my thigh once, but had an occlusion so it put me off, but I'm definitely going to try again soon.
I’ve always found thighs a bit ‘stabby’, but some people really like putting sites there
Is that to protect from the glues used on the cannula?
I might well ask about that at my next appointment.
Yes mainly adhesive I think but don’t quote me on that. If I was you try it and if it don’t work it don’t work.
I have no fat whatever on my outer thighs so my thigh cannulas go very marginally on the inside of the front of mine. Great absorption!
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