Cannula site

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just before bed and I noticed blood around my cannula site. I removed it and it was a gusher. It had behaved perfectly well for two days and no idea what started the bleed. Weird.
I hate gushers! I think sometimes the site can get knocked or pressed slightly and this can initiate a gusher. Also, I reckon there are slow burn gushers with a tiny, tiny blood leak that builds up under the skin and is released when you remove the cannula. I hope it wasn’t too bad.
I’ve had one like that where the cannula worked fine until I saw a bit of blood around it, the dam burst when I took the cannula out. Gushers really are quite shocking in comparison to the cannula size.

I had to repaint a bit of kitchen wall with the last one! I hope you dont need to redecorate.
Thankfully, I have never had a cannula gusher but @Flower your mention of your kitchen redecoration reminds me of a finger pricking incident.
I was at work, about to go into an important meeting with a customer. As usual in the days before CGMs, I took a finger prick reading before going int the meeting. However, my finger had "dried up" and no blood was coming out. Therefore, I gave my hand a vigorous shake and the blood flowed ... all over my nice clean white shirt. I had no jacket and nothing else to change into.
I went into that meeting looking as if I had just slaughtered the last customer.
I have had a few Libres since Christmas that have been like this, no issues with the results but just loads of blood that won’t stop. Never hurt, just dramatic :D
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