Cannula had come out. Any ideas

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Any ideas please
Just eaten a rather large meal than usual and walked afterwards to compensate and help my pump to bring down my levels as pre bolus was not possible as I had no idea when food would arrive. All good as I would expect Hermione (my pump) to get levels back on track.
now I have just discovered that my cannula had come out, and I now have no idea how much insulin has actually made it into me. Done all the sensible stuff of changing my cannula, but now no idea how much insulin I truly have doing the job of bringing down levels.
Any ideas very welcome.
I wouldn’t risk anything until X amount of hours after your meal. That way you’ll know whether you need a correction. If you do correct, I’d err on the side of caution due to night approaching. I don’t know how your loop will react but I’d be tempted to go to manual if your blood sugar is very messed up then you can correct carefully as necessary.
Thanks @Inka .
I was prepared with JBs, water, ketostix, pens and pump. I had alarms set and new I was in for a long night. I found lots of evidence of insulin leakage on my clothes and having hit the 20s I guessed that nothing had gone in. The graph from sensor confirmed the rise started from a cannula change. Used pens as system thought that I had a lot of insulin on board.
By three am I was back in target and flat lining again so the strategy worked.
This certainly won't be the last time, mate. Just always have to use that mixture of logic and intelligent guesswork we constantly try to hone to perfection. (Swearing doesn't help actually, but I still do that anyway. :rofl: )
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