Cannula Change

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi , my little boy aged 4 , has been on the pump for 3 weeks now. i wont go into his levels but we have a lot to work at !!

My main question is when we are removing the cannula he cries and screams because the sticky bit hurts him so much , as we are removing it . We have some spray which is supposed to make it easy to remove but its not.

Can anyone recommend anything to use.

(when he was on injections , he never cried once, and this now is upsetting us)

Hi , my little boy aged 4 , has been on the pump for 3 weeks now. i wont go into his levels but we have a lot to work at !!

My main question is when we are removing the cannula he cries and screams because the sticky bit hurts him so much , as we are removing it . We have some spray which is supposed to make it easy to remove but its not.

Can anyone recommend anything to use.

(when he was on injections , he never cried once, and this now is upsetting us)


...poor you use 'lift plus'? if you spray on enough it shouldn't hurt, even with my hairy thighs! 😉
Poor wee guy......

It must be really sore for him as with mine at least its 10 times stickier than an Elastoplast, meaning it needs to come off in one go.......

I hope you can find a solution........:(
Gosh. I don't find em anywhere near as bad as even a bit of micropore tape over the hole where they took the blood out, off my arm! They stick really well, but never lift or go tatty on the edges 'in use' or anything.

Makes no difference if I remove before after or even during a shower. Stick really well and come off dead easy.

Another example of us all being different?

Does it leave a really red patch like ripping a plaster off would/does on anybody? Just thinking - do you think it could be association, ie "plasters hurt to get off, so this will too?"
I use a product called Zoff, there wipes, if you put one ov the cannula and let it soak for a min, it just falls of.

I was wondering which you are using as they seem ready to come off my little one and don't take much effort when the change is due. I wonder if it depends on skin type ?

Have you tried a soak in the bath along with the de-stick product, and just ease at it bit by bit. Could he have a little go at getting it off, he knows his own pain thresh-hold, may prefer to be in control of it ?

I do hope you find a solution, it must be very frustrating, esp in those early weeks of pumping when you feel it has gone all to pot ! 🙂
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