Can you please help me with something?

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Erin Coyle

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi there,

I am a 4th year student at the University of Strathclyde, studying Product Design Engineering. I am working on a project surrounding prosthetics. I was wondering if any prosthetic users could fill in this short survey for me regarding daily problems with prosthetics? The link to the survey is below:

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Err, do we actually have any members with prosthetics?

I don't recall anyone mentioning it and we wouldn't know anyway unless they chose to share that info with us.
Err, do we actually have any members with prosthetics?

I don't recall anyone mentioning it and we wouldn't know anyway unless they chose to share that info with us.
Yes, I'm not sure we do either, no-one springs to mind, although there may, of course, be plenty of lurkers who do and are able to respond 🙂
Prosthetic - denoting an artificial body part, such as a limb, a heart, or a breast implant. I mention that because my replacement knees are termed as prosthetics. I had an awful thought and I apologise in advance, I hope this isn't an assumption that a community of diabetics must have a few with limbs amputated due to poor care. Just like in the TV program. Sorry.
In my capacity as the owner of two prosthetic knees, I'll have a go. LOL

Needn't have worried, it's only for prosthetic limbs, not prosthetics in the true definition of the word. Hermaneutics, you have to be so careful.
Sorry for any offence that i may have caused. This was not an assumption at all. I am just researching a very new topic and was hoping to gather as much information as i can.

My project is actually designing a new innovation in prostheses for patients in developing countries but i wanted to gather some initial information in regards to the daily issues people endure with prosthetic limbs in general, so i have been trying to get some user feedback and thought posting here might give me some direction in where i can get that from.

Sorry again for any confusion.
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