can you help me understand please?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All,

Yet another question from a newly diagnosed.

Since June I have been doing really well - lost nearly 2 stone (all but 3 pounds) and up until last week notice a considerable change in my levels - going right down into 5's at times and even a 5.8 on waking.

However, over the weekend I felt really low and since things seem to be not going so well. My levels have shot up into double figures 2 hours after eating and seem to be taking longer to recover, my wakings are back up to 7.x something.

e.g This morning I woke with a reading of 7.1 I then had breakfast of porridge with semi skimmed milk and cinammon with a cup of coffee and my levels 2 hours+ after are 11.1.

Added to this I was overjoyed as for the first time in years my weight had started to drop off. I took on a very good exercise regime with a PT and was delighted at dropping 2 dress sizes.

However it all seems to have stopped and is going in reverse - 2lb on today.
I have checked and weighed my food to make sure portion sizes are spot on, exactly what i was eating before. my exercise is equal to what it was a few weeks ago. I am drinking 2-3 litres of water a day.

Its all getting quite depressing this week and i go on holiday on saturday and don't want to be miserable.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on?
I feel I was doing so well and now its all stopped.

I don't feel I can talk to my GP or nurse as they would have a fit if they heard I was testing my levels as they strongly told me only Diet and exercise.

Don't have all the answers and someone will be along with something better. Part of it may be your body has got used to the new regime and the new ammount of food and activity. It is something non diabetic slimmers experience.

You have done very well so far, so don't feel too badly about the gains.
Thanks Caroline,

Does this mean I have to change something now? Is it possible I may now need meds?
I have loads of weight to lose so need it to keep coming off.
Only a lowly T1, so not much help... But the story seems quite familiar from accounts of T2s I've read.

Initial weight loss stalling and then creeping back up. Not sure why your levels are rising, though I think Caroline might be right in that the body does appear to have an expectation of your regular diet.

Some seem to find lower carb intake in the morning particularly helpful.
Hi Lucy,

I regularly have porridge in the morning with a banana, semi-skimmed milk and a large mug of coffee. However, I only use three dessert spoons of oats and half a cup of water (any more than that and I think that I'd be overdoing the carbs). How do you make yours? Perhaps if you reduce the quantity that may help with the levels?

As to the weight loss, I'm in a similar boat. I haven't lost anything for weeks. I think this is partially down to me not exercising as much and also that I've slipped a little on my diet too. I also think that it seems to get harder to shift the weight the closer I get to my desired target.

Note that 2lbs is not a significant weight gain. You'll naturally vary by atleast that amount each day anyway!

On your point about talking to the GP. I assume that you are paying for your strips? If so, then it's your business and not theirs (well, it'd still be your business even if you were getting them on prescription!). They should be grateful that you are getting useful information about your levels and are thinking about ways to improve them. The main point is that you should be testing to inform yourself and not merely to satisfy curiosity/worry. From what you say, it looks like the former so don't be worried about talking to your GP.

Finally, the levels you mention are not outrageously high. Perhaps if you can tweak your diet a little more and up the exercise a bit you can get them more in the range that you want them. If that doesn't work, then you really must go back to your GP.

Good luck,

Andy 🙂
Hi Andy - its actually one packet of oatso simple with cinammon.
I don't think I can do any more exercise than I am doing so it may have to be the diet I look at.

Just one thing - I seem to be coming down with a tonsilitus type throat today - could that have anything to do with it?

I have read that being ill is different when diabetic - but again dr hasn't told me anything. Do I need to do anything different?
Hi Lucy if you are coming down with tonsilitis that could be behind your higher than normal blood sugars. It is common when ill for you body to release extra glucose into your blood stream as a form of energy to be used to fight the infection. Problem is of course that you don't have the mechanism to use that sugar.

Have a word with your Dr - I have heard of some Type 2s, who are given tablets for those days when they are ill and have higher sugars. Of course to do that they have to have Drs who will prescribe them test strips.
Thanks Margie

To be honest I don't see any point at all in going to my GP. I feel I am wasting their time over this little nuisance called Diabetes.

It does make sense though and have felt it coming on this week. I added a thread at the weekend when I was feeling really low and someone suggested it could be an infection.

I suppose as well if levels go up that makes it harder for weight to come off?

I hope it hurries and goes - I go on holiday saturday!
To be honest I don't see any point at all in going to my GP. I feel I am wasting their time over this little nuisance called Diabetes.

As has already been said, if your raised levels are down to you being a little 'off' then you'd expect them to return to normal soon after you start feeling well again.

But, if you continue to get raised levels, then you must go back to your GP. It's your continued good health that is at stake.

I hope it all clears up for Saturday though 🙂

Thanks Andy - I will take your advice.
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