can u help me

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fenn 05

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Can you help me my name is fenn I am 11 yrs old and havnt hadvtype 1 forvthat long im carb counting my food but im constantly high my nova rapid is 1 in 12 and my nighttime is lantus at 25 plz can anybody give me some advice
Hello Fenn, welcome to the forum. I'm sorry I can't help you because I'm T2 and not on insulin. We do have quite a few parents of T1s and lots of former T1 children who have grown up with it, so I'm sure someone will be along to help you soon. Something I have learned from this forum is that everybody's needs insulin-wise are different so what's right for one person may be not enough or too much for another.
Hi Fenn, sorry to hear of your diagnosis. My son is 13 and was diagnosed type 1 at age 4. It isn't easy (don't expect perfect BGs all the time!), and I hope that you and your Mum and Dad are getting good support and advice from your clinic team? There is lots of advice to be found on the Diabetes UK teenagers section:

Please be cautious on public forums and don't give out your personal details 🙂
Welcome to the forum fenn 05 🙂

I'm also not on Insulin, but I understand the Ragnar Hanas book listed on this post is considered very useful:

You probably need some help and support from your team to how to adjust your ratios as I understand that the ratios and the background levels are not always constant! Good luck 🙂
Hi Fenn- glad youve found us- how helpful are your nurses/team ?if you are constantly running high they need to look at your numbers and alter your ratios maybe.What are your numbers when you get up? do you have a diary to write the numbers in because then they can see if there are any patterns to the high numbers.Do you inject before meals? sorry for all the questions and welcome from me- my son is 17 (diagnosed 2 yrs now]
Hello Fenn
Sounds like your ratios might need adjusting. Most people find they have a 'honeymoon' period where they need less insulin, but as time goes by they need a bit more. Ask your diabetic team to help you learn how to change it yourself, your family will help you out with this I'm sure. After a bit you'll get confident about how to make adjustments as your ratio will not stay the same - my son's was always changing at first, and still does. Your blood glucose records will help with working out how to change things.
Best wishes
Catherine (William's mum)
Hi Fenn

As others have said we can't offer specific advice in terms of numbers, partly because no one here has any kind of medical qualification, but mostly because everyone's experience of Diabetes is so different.

I was diagnosed in my 20s, but I gather from reading posts by parents on here that your insulin needs are likely to vary quite a bit over the coming years as you grow and hit the delightful hormone-fest of puberty.

It's great that you are looking for more information to help yourself stay healthy for longer - that sort of outlook suggests you have a great future ahead.

Do keep your parents/clinic in the loop though and make sure you discuss any ideas you have before making changes to your doses/routine
Thanks guys
ive had it for 12months 5 days I hate having it no matter how hard I try my levals re beteen 12 20 I dnt eat junk anymore my mkm and dad help me but we cnt get them down
Hi Fenn, welcome to the forum.

I agree with what the others have said, it sounds like your ratios need adjusting but this something you would need to discuss with your medical team. Try keeping a diary for a week of your numbers and show it to them. You may also find the JDRF website a useful resource as it focusses more on young folk like yourself.

I hope you get it sorted soon.
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