Can i take Novorapid while taking Toujeo?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, i'm in a bit of a predicament and obviously i can't speak to anyone due to it being the weekend, my specialist prescriped me Novorapid for emergencies but its been in the fridge a couple of months unused, i was taking lantus-solostar medium acting whilst on my usual Toujeo but was swelling up like a balloon, now i've been on Toujeo and Cangliflozin for a couple of months but i need a break from the latter due to sores, boils and water infections, ok, so yesterday i didn't take my canagliflozin and just took an additional dose of Toujeo but i was up all night and am exhausted now, i know i shouldn't really be eating carbs but i have to on the flozins... anyhow, so i had my breakfast and all was ok, had lunch and i'm on 12.7mmol and rising again and thought, perhaps if i took a dose of the novorapid it may work better than the toujeo.. I just want to get my sugars down as feel like death warmed up.. it's so silly, if i go keto and refrain from eating carbs i feel healthy again but then i did try and it went wrong so was told keto won't work for me- even though for a short while i feel great...

I'm supposedly typeII, i'm usually on one tablet of canagliflozin and 60ml of Toujeo daily but i'm still not getting the figures i desire, 6-8mmol is usual but there are lot of highs 12-14mmol.
How much additional Toujeo did you take and why were you up all night @Mel43 ? What “emergencies” did your nurse describe re using the Novorapid?
As none of us are medical professionals we can't really advise you on what to do but assuming your in the UK then I do suggest you give 111 a call and seek advice from there

I'm also confused as to why you were taking Lantus along with Toujeo as these are both basal insulins so not sure why your specialist would do that

And welcome to the forum! xx
How much additional Toujeo did you take and why were you up all night @Mel43 ? What “emergencies” did your nurse describe re using the Novorapid?
@Inka Yesterday I took an additional 30 units which isn't a lot, i know some take 100 units or more a day, my dose is 60 units, the endicrinologist i speak with hasn't advised of any emergencies associated with Novorapid, i've only read up about them online, I have suffered DKA twice over the last say 5-6 years but that was when i was taking Empagliflozin and it overlapped with me doing the keto diet- so no wonder.

Since then he didn't want me to go back on any flozins and hence why I was taking both the same insulin- crazy really, my legs swelled up like balloons so i stopped taking the solostar, I only started on the Canagliflozin recently, i'm not sure i like it though they're the only ones that get my sugars down to acceptable levels, i've only stopped to give myself a break, i get sick and tired of having constant uti's, a few days break can't really hurt but without the flozins my sugars shall fly up again and i'll be back at stage one again going ketogenic through lack of carbs... it goes round and round....lovely.
@Mel43 I know you’re Type 2 but 30 units sounds like a lot to me. I wouldn’t make such a drastic change to your insulin like that again.To go from 60units to 90units is far too big a jump. One or two units would be a more normal rate of change.

If you want to add the Novorapid to your insulin regime, you’ll need help from your nurse or doctor. They will be able to advise you when to take it, how much to take, and how many carbs to eat with it. I know you can’t speak to them over the weekend, but I’d give them a call on Monday.

The “emergencies” I spoke of was in reference to what you said about your Novorapid - namely that it had been prescribed for emergencies. Did the consultant give you any idea of when it should be used eg if your blood sugar went above a certain number? Or were you just told to keep it in your fridge and await further instructions in the future?

I can’t comment on your Canaglifozin as I know nothing about it. @Lucyr might know. The UTIs sound horrible.
I just can’t understand why you’ve been started on canagliflozin when you’ve had DKA on empagliflozin previously! When I had the DKA after empagliflozin that whole class of drugs would not be prescribed again and is listed as an allergy on my medical records.

Whats your situation with your diabetes team. Do you have someone you can call and ask for an appointment with for a review of all this?
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