Can I show off?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I’m quite pleased with myself! It’s 9 weeks since I was diagnosed Type 2. Since then I’ve lost 9 kilos, my BMI has dropped so I’ve now gone from Obese to Overweight and I feel amazing!

I know I’ve still got a long way to go and until my next blood test I won’t know what effect I’ve had, but hopefully it’s been good!
Blow away as much as you want to on your own trumpet because we all love to hear a good success story. I am sure it will also inspire and encourage other newbies who are perhaps coming to the forum, feeling lost and overwhelmed.

It takes a lot of effort to achieve what you have and especially in such a short space of time, so you have every right to be very proud of yourself. Take a well earned pat on the back and "Keep up the good work"
Well done! I'm jealous! Toot that horn and stay proud of yourself!
Well done mate, another pat on the back from me, and do keep up the good work it pays off in the end... 🙂
Of course you can show off!! It’s an achievement to take back control of your health and diet and it’s not easy, well done.

Keep taking each day at a time and you will reach your goals.
Well done!
I’m quite pleased with myself! It’s 9 weeks since I was diagnosed Type 2. Since then I’ve lost 9 kilos, my BMI has dropped so I’ve now gone from Obese to Overweight and I feel amazing!

I know I’ve still got a long way to go and until my next blood test I won’t know what effect I’ve had, but hopefully it’s been good!
Well done keep up the great work. Shout it from the roof tops x
Well done. That's a great achievement and it's good that you're feeling the benefits already. Here's to the next 9 weeks.
Yes you can show off. Well done @abwales4
Do share your successful strategies for others to consider if you are happy to do so
Well done
Thanks for the encouragement everyone, it means the world.
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