Can I post my Freestyle Libres to another country?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi there,

I'm TY1 D and going traveling for three years from 2025.

I currently use the Freestyle Libre 2.

I'm thinking of taking all my sensors for the first year of traveling with me. Or maybe half and fly back to restock after six months. We'll only be in Europe so its not too far (I live in the UK).

The second year is backpacking Asia. Again, the plan is to take all my sensors with me and leave half with a family member who live out there and fly back from where ever we are to restock as its quite a lot to carry all of it in my backpack.

The last year is seeing some friends and working in New Zealand which is where im unsure of how it will all work. By this time I wont be able to restock my libres as easily as im now on the other side of the world and flying back home will cost thousands. Does anyone know if I can get someone to post my libres from the UK to NZ and whether they'll be allowed in the country/ through customs?

I suppose the next best thing would be to buy them out there, but they are incredibly expensive and won't be compatible with my UK reader.

Its a crazy plan but I know there is a way to do this somehow. Any advice would be seriously appreciated 🙂.
I cannot help with Libre postage questions.
However, are you aware, entitlement of NHS services such as free prescriptions for people with diabetes is based upon residence in England. If you are absent from England for a year, you will not be entitled to Libre, insulin, etc. on the NHS.
I believe you can be absent for 3 months only which is not the case if you are traveling for a year.
Thank you, this was a separate concern of mine too. My Diabetes nurse has said she can speak to my GP to see if they can issue supplies for 1x year max as these are exceptional circumstances. For the other two years i'm likely going to need to buy all my supplies.

Really appreciate the intel!
Thank you, this was a separate concern of mine too. My Diabetes nurse has said she can speak to my GP to see if they can issue supplies for 1x year max as these are exceptional circumstances. For the other two years i'm likely going to need to buy all my supplies.

Really appreciate the intel!
We travel a lot, and have done for quite some time. My longest trip was 9 months, which was eventually split into two halves (I'll spare you the reasons).

When I began doing longer spell travel my GP at that time was very enthusiastic about it - mainly because he was a sailor too and deeply envious, but even he had to say that after 3 months, the NHS can say "You are on your own......".

He felt strongly that provided we retained property and businesses in UK, and continued to pay UK tax that HE would support us.

I think what I am really saying is, how your GP handles it is very much on a personal basis, with your ideal situation really being outside the guidelines they are given. To be honest, I would try to have a face to face chat with him about your plans. It is MUCH harder to be unhelpful/unsupportive looking into the whites of someone's eyes than it is on a quick phone call or in an email/letter.
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