Can I change to another pump after just 6 months?

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I used to use a Medtronic 640g and when it was time for renewal i opted for the Omnipod Dash as I was fed up with the tube.
I've been on the Omnipod for 6 months and detest it. Being tubeless is good but there are so many aspects of the system that are driving me mad plus I am so much more restricted in where I can place it than I was with the Medtronic. I dislike it so much I'm seriously considering going back to MDI with all the downsides I used to have.

I've asked my consultant if I can change and she has said only when the warranty runs out - in other words not for another 3 1/2 years! Is this correct? Is there any way round it?

Thanks in advance
Never been in that situation, consultants response seems unsympathetic, only advice is to push them again & keep pushing them.
When I first had a pump, I was unsure if I would like it. I had no choice of pump but was told if it didn’t suit me, I could go back to MDI.
My current pump is a patch pump like the Omnipod. I understood the biggest share of the costs is in the patches so there is less impact if I decided against it.

That sad, I would fight against returning to a tube pump. Sure, there are less site options because the surface area against my skin is greater but I have found sites that work.
What else do you dislike about the OmniPod? Maybe there are some podders on the forum who can help you with workarounds to your issues.
Sorry to hear you are finding Omnipod isn’t living up to your hopes @Ref :(

We had a thread about this recently, and I asked around on the Twitter #gbdoc community to see if anyone had been able to change during the warranty period.

It is rare, but my memory is that there were a handful of people who had managed it under certain circumstances and with the support of their hospital.

I hope you can find a way to get podding to work for you in the meantime - what particular challenges are you finding?
Omnipod you can opt out within the first 90 days, with no problems. Not my preferred pump, (I would like Tandem) but can't get that until the new year. After discussion with my DSN I'm starting Pod next month, knowing that I have 90 days to get the tandem sorted!

Sadly, after 90 days it is much harder because the full warranty/contract kicks in.
Omnipod you can opt out within the first 90 days, with no problems. Not my preferred pump, (I would like Tandem) but can't get that until the new year. After discussion with my DSN I'm starting Pod next month, knowing that I have 90 days to get the tandem sorted!

Sadly, after 90 days it is much harder because the full warranty/contract kicks in.

Interesting to know, starting on Dash pump next few weeks.
Hi, thanks for the replies.

What don't I like? There are so many reasons but i'll list a few.
I am much more restricted in where I can attach the pods, in part because of the scarring from my surgeries, but much more so than I ever was with the Medtronic. The bulky nature of the pods means I knock them, often when at work, not enough to remove them but just enough for the tubing to come out.
Then there's the handset. I have enough to carry around without that and often misplace it. At least with the medtronic, it's either attached or not. It's made of the cheapest plastic possible so its as robust as a meringue. I've dropped it once and it has a crack across the screen so I can't see it lasting 4 years. Insulet tell me they would charge £250 to replace it. The user interface is awful, very slow and clunky. When you get near to replacement time it decides to ignore my vibrate only setting and screeches at full volume - not good when I'm at work.

I could go on. Bottom line is I cannot see me sticking with it for another 3 years - assuming the handset lasts that long.
I've informed my consultant I'm not happy and will do so again when I see her in January. She's normally really good and fights my corner so I was a little taken aback by her initial response to my email. Interesting reading on the twitter thread that the warranty is on the pods not the handset, use all my pods up without asking for a replacement and I'm out of warranty - sorted !

It may be the right pump for some, just not for me.

Thanks again
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