Can folks take a look at

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Not a plea for donations (but clearly won’t turn any away!) but rather for input into the wording I’ve used for my JustGiving page.


Does it look ok?
Am I striking the right note?
Is there anything you’d want to see or anything I’ve included which you’d rather I hadn’t?

I’m going to change the cover photo probably to the route map for the event.

And thank you for your input!
Looks fine to me Colin, I always feel when I do my justgiving pages that as long as what I write is from the heart, that is what matters. BTW plodder I call myself a slogger.
My main concern is that I can waffle on and also write in circles sometimes. I wanted this to be clear and concise.

And thank you for taking a look and feeding back 🙂
Looks good to me too with one very pedantic comment: some times you have written "Diabetes UK" and sometimes "Diabetes U.K." I think it is without the dots.

But congratulations on going for it - I think it is brilliant that you have set yourself this target.
Looks good to me. Not too long. Not too short. Tells your story well. Good luck
Looks good to me, I'll donate when I get paid next month if I can and I'll also share on my Facebook xx
Looks good to me, I'll donate when I get paid next month if I can and I'll also share on my Facebook xx
Thank you!
And thank you
Looks good to me too with one very pedantic comment: some times you have written "Diabetes UK" and sometimes "Diabetes U.K." I think it is without the dots.

But congratulations on going for it - I think it is brilliant that you have set yourself this target.
And for the life of me I can’t figure out an easy way of editing that typo out!
Looks fine to me Colin, I always feel when I do my justgiving pages that as long as what I write is from the heart, that is what matters. BTW plodder I call myself a slogger.
And thank you
Looks good to me
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