can anyone use a pump?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi I posted earlier today about my 20 year old daughter and a very recent experience of DKA - i received some great advice and am really grateful.
She has been on the pump for 8 months, diabetic for 10 years. she went on the pump becaise she was having lots of night time hypo's on multiple daily injections. My daughter has moderate learning difficulties and certainly until she went on the pump i was very much a part of her daily control - i.e. reminders, thinking for her sometimes. however, since the pump she has taken more control. i realised at the weekend that she does have a limited understanding of some of the more complex issues surrounding pump what to do when she is ill and although she was reminded about the actions she needs to take at these times (earlier this week) she did not think to put this advice into practice today when she was unwell again. i suppose im wondering if this dka experience has made me realise that her limitations in relation to her pump use can have a very very serious outcome. i really feel awful thinking that she may be safer returning to her mdi than remaining on the pump. she has wonderful diabetic support at our clinic but they can't be with her all the time either. it seems unfair - what do others think?
Hi Pookey,
as your daughter has a few learning dificulties can a 2nd basal pattern be set up for her so that when she is ill, you can just say to her, change it to sick day basal or even press the buttons yourself? Or can you do a reminder chart to increase her basal (temp)when sick?
Obviously your daughter has managed very well up till now, so perhaps a different tactic to remind her to change it when needed.
Hope things iron themselves out soon for the both of you.

PS to put things in a better light for you, DKA can happen to anyone, so don't be put off pumping due to this happening.
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One thing you need to consider is if this situation had happen when your daughter was on MDI.. Would she had adjusted her insulin does to compensate for her temp needs or would have helped her sort it all?

As if she needed extra support or supervision at times that her control went on a wobbly or needed altering then it's likely that with a pump then when things are out of kilter then this support would still be required..

But have a think about ways around the prompting side of things, perhaps a plan of action such as if she out an this alarm goes, then phone home to get further instructions..
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