can anyone tell me in layman terms ?

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thanks for that mate , will they do tht when i see the consultant at the hospital?
Normally I get a blood test form before I go to see the consultant so we can review the reading when I see him. But some hospitals have the ability to do an immediate test (mine takes about a day or two for the result).

But yes, it's something that your consultant should do for you.
Normally done about twice a year once you've stabilised but to begin with could be (should be!) more frequent. If you think that's a complicated name, try Glycosulated Haemoglobin, which mouthful they used to have to come out with LOL We just usually abbreviate it to A1c cos it's easier.

To do it, they may either have to take blood from an arm and send it off, or some hospitals now have expensive machines that do it there and then. Wish they all did.
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