Can anyone help ?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

Been to the nurse again today and im having another Blood test this time its to check kidneys,liver,thyroid and something else. A few times i have had had sort of frothy wee i googled it and got to kidney failure so again im panicing my results we say my kidneys are failing. Last time i saw the nurse a monh ago she did the dip wee test and it come up ok.

But now im worried sick ive had it. I have also had this wierd feeling of feeling slightly dizzy and tired. But my partner says it could be hardly any sleep as we have a new baby and we both aint been sleeping properly..

My worry is this since i was diagnosed i have had no tablets or anything and was told to di it by diet which i have, Icut ale down and eating bad i have had beer though and a weekly take away but im thinking has the nurse got it all wrong and the diabetes has destroyed my organs... I do also get aches and pains and put it own to the diabetes. Ive also experianced a tingling bottom lip. But it also says the tablets im on for blood pressure can cause this.

God i need help

Did they do your HbA1c recently and, if yes, what was the result? Some of the symptoms you're describing could mean raised blood sugars. When I was first diagnosed I had problems with my liver and kidneys as well as my adrenal glands. The liver and kidneys are working pretty well now and my last set of readings were well within the normal range. Don't panic yet, it may just mean you'll need to go on medication and that things will improve once you do.
As you have a new baby and are getting very little sleep this may well be the problem.

I know it is a bit different from girls and boys, but I think we all get frothy wee sometimes. I think a lot depends on how much we have been drinking and how much we want to wee.

Have a chat with your doctor, although I think if any of your organs were failing you'd have other symptoms too. You may need a change of blood pressure pills and your doctor will be able to advise you on this. I had a couple of different kinds before I settled down.

When you see the doctor, ask if you can be refrred to a dietician as many people find this helps. Lots of people are able to control their diabetes with diet and exercise, there are quite a few on the boards.

I know it is easier said than done, but try not to worry. You will find you feel better once you get over sleepless nights wth baby too.
Hi again,

I think im having the HbA1c test. As i have to go back on the 7th of October for the results of this blood test ive had today. I did have kidney and liver checks a few months back and all was ok.

At the moment i do try to eat health and i don't touch sugar of sweets at all. And i do keep an eye on the sugar in my food. Alot does not help when i read things on the internet. As ive already convinced myself im gonna get bad news already.

I hate the fact most of my posts on here are me panicing as i don't want people thinking im a wierdo.

Thanks Again All

To be honest, if you didn't get frothy wee occasionally, that would be unusual. It is certainly normal for blokes for that to happen, especially after puberty.

I can say nothing else other than I think that you are probably perfectly OK. But you need to talk to the health care guys and gals to get to the bottom of any symptoms that you may have.


p.s. My photocopy of a ?10 note is still on offer (or Northey's 1 million Lei note, I guess!). :D
Well im seeing the nurse again on the 7th of Oct but im terrified im gonna get a call before that telling me i need to get into surgery to discuss my blood test as that happened before and i was told i had diabetes, When i have talked to the nurse before about things she seems to not be concerned.

And even that makes me think what if im not getting the care i need ???

Was your other blood tests 3 months ago by any chance?

As the bloods your nurse took today, sounds like the normal bloods taken for monitoring purposes and I assume the something else was the HbA1c...

Everybody get times when the urine is frothy, more so when they are emptying a full blader there is some force behind peeing more so for men..

If it's frothy and smells then you'll likely to have a urine infection of some sorts, generally easy treated with a course of antibiotics..

If they were concerned they would have request a 24 hour urine collection, to determin kidney function...

The biggest problem looking up symptoms on the internet, is that any one sympton can have many meanings, and it takes a doctor who's got you and your medical records in front of them to work out what the symptom actually means.. And/or what test to prove/disprove the symptom being presented and the medical condition it's suggesting...

So it's very easy to become paniced and worried so try to chill out and not worry hard I know, just sink yourself into enjoying your baby and of cause the healthy eating..
Hi again,

I think im having the HbA1c test. As i have to go back on the 7th of October for the results of this blood test ive had today. I did have kidney and liver checks a few months back and all was ok.

At the moment i do try to eat health and i don't touch sugar of sweets at all. And i do keep an eye on the sugar in my food. Alot does not help when i read things on the internet. As ive already convinced myself im gonna get bad news already.

I hate the fact most of my posts on here are me panicing as i don't want people thinking im a wierdo.

Thanks Again All


Well im seeing the nurse again on the 7th of Oct but im terrified im gonna get a call before that telling me i need to get into surgery to discuss my blood test as that happened before and i was told i had diabetes, When i have talked to the nurse before about things she seems to not be concerned.

And even that makes me think what if im not getting the care i need ???


Mark I think you are perfectly normal. there is laods of informatin on the internet, some of it is accurate (like here) and some alas is not.

You are doing the right thing in trying to eat a healthy diet, but don't feel you have to give up sweets and treats altogether, if we didn't have treats sometimes we'd all go crazy.

In the begining most people oanic a bit, but comming here is a good start and I hope we can re-assure you and allay your fears.

As for the nurse, I think sometimes they become de sensitized to our concerns or she has a large number of people to see. Next time you see her take a list of things you'd like to know or want re-asurance about, take a pad and record what she says.

If you need anything explained, someone here is sure to have an answer, but please don't think we don't care if we suggest you get medical advice. Only a doctor can give you a proper medical examination to determin what's wrong.
Im so gratful to all of you guys im also under alot of pressure too now. Im owed alot of money from my work ?5k to be exact and i have not been paid so me and the family are suffering. I also need to pay rent and things as ive not been paid. Also my partner has just found out the other day her dad has cancer so im trying to sort that out. And help her and be strong and to top it off i witnessed month ago an assult in Scotland i was a witness to it and gave a statement. Long story short it got ajourned and i had a date come through for the 30th which will cost me ?157 on the train or ?158 on a plane i called them up and was told if you don't come we will send a police officer round and arrest you. Its unbelievable at the moment all this, Im also waiting to hear from a legal battle with a care home that neglected my mum who i lost last year to Alzhimers.

So im left thinking not getting paid from work equals me struggling to feed and look after my family and having no money to outlay to get to Scotland results in my arrest. So all this worry and the diabetes and health issues i think what is happening im a real mess paranoid stressed out and to be honest feel really really low...And left thinking i hope im not dying i need to be here for my little girls and my partner. I have a job interview today and im thinking i don't know if i can cope with it..

I'm glad we can help. Sorry to hear of all the pressure you are under.

As you have to go to court to give evidence, contact them and explain your fiancial position and ask if they can pay traveling expenses, and if necessary for a hotel if you'll be there a couple of days or more. Think I'd also contact somewhere like the CAB or DSS and see if you are entitled to any benefits while you wait to get paid from your firm. Sometimes you can get an emergency loan (depending on your circumstances) from social services, but it is not something I know lots about, so you might need to contact them.

I hope things get sorted soon.
PS good luck with the job interview, you have come this far so you are strong.
I'm glad we can help. Sorry to hear of all the pressure you are under.

As you have to go to court to give evidence, contact them and explain your fiancial position and ask if they can pay traveling expenses, and if necessary for a hotel if you'll be there a couple of days or more. Think I'd also contact somewhere like the CAB or DSS and see if you are entitled to any benefits while you wait to get paid from your firm. Sometimes you can get an emergency loan (depending on your circumstances) from social services, but it is not something I know lots about, so you might need to contact them.

I hope things get sorted soon.

If they want you to give evidence and you are on a low income or benefits you should be able to get a travel warrant for and possibly a voucher for the accommodation. I'm not sure if you need to approach the DWP or your local police station to organise this. I should visit your local CAB as Caroline suggests and see what they advise. Call them today. I take it you're a witness for the prosecution? Perhaps you could call them and explain your situation, make it clear you want to do the right thing but it's causing you severe financial difficulty and you need help as a matter of urgency.
Hi Alison,

I have called on several occasions and the woman on the phone was doing nothing to help me she was so off with me it made mw feel like a criminal, I just don't have the money to lay out in the first place even though they do pay expenses. I said to her i do have a bit in the bank but what do i do ? Spend it and not be able to buy day to day things as i have a family or i dont come and get arrested. Im very annoyed by it all now as im trying my best to please everyone. I also explained to the woman at the court all the problems im having and that i also have a show on the day of the trial and one after in wales, If i don't turn up to them i may loose all hope of geting the money im owed..The job is also a nightmare as im an entertainer my boss is waiting for the agent to pay up. And agaim im suffering cant pay rent at all as thats 6 weeks in arreas ive managed to pay council tax and basic house bills but again thats living off our tax credits. Were also isolated in the house as i need a new car and the one i have now is only an Astra and there is 6 of us. When i did all this work i thought that will buy us a car pay bills and ill still have some left. Not its thrown us into total destruction.

I think to myself its always other people that throw my life into a mess and im sick of it. Thats why im looking for other work.
Go along to the local CAB, sometimes it is easier to sort things out through a third party who is not personally involved, or sometimes if you have a local community law centre they can help.
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