Can anyone explain my BS level tonight?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am Type 2, can someone explain what has happened to me tonight? i went out for a meal tonight and it was a carvery and i went easy on the carbs (one roast potato and one yorkshire pudding) the rest was meat and vegetables. I did have a glass of red wine and a dessert which were about 3 profiteroles. I tested before the meal (6.2). When i got home i went on my exercise machine for 15 mins and when i tested after excercise it was 7.3. I was due to test an hour later which was my 2 hour mark and i expected it to be lower than 7.3 but when i tested it was 11.3 - why? I know that the excercise would have decreased the level but how come it shot back up so high? i will test again before bedtime and i'm sure it will have dropped down to an acceptable level but is this what is called a 'spke'? how can i avoid this from happening?
Hi Carina, some foods will convert to glucose at a slower rate, and the inclusion of fat will slow this conversion, so it may be that the roastie, the YP and the cream/profiteroles made this 'peak' later than you expected.
Yep Northerner is right. The fat makes the food break down slower so you rise later. Lots of people find this with a roast actually (we don't) but with the delicious profiterols included you were going to get a high although 11 for high I would love.........

This is the reason you hear us pumping people talking about a dual wave. It means we can split the dose of novorapid and give a bit now to cover the food that will break down quickly but the rest of the novorapid we can make trickle out over a period of time we choose to combat the high you had.

Some people on MDI when eating say pizza also split the injection and give half at the beginning and half a few hours later.

I take if you are not on insulin and I will be honest and say I don't know much about how type 2 works but that above is the theory behind why it happens.
I am Type 2, can someone explain what has happened to me tonight? i went out for a meal tonight and it was a carvery and i went easy on the carbs (one roast potato and one yorkshire pudding) the rest was meat and vegetables. I did have a glass of red wine and a dessert which were about 3 profiteroles. I tested before the meal (6.2). When i got home i went on my exercise machine for 15 mins and when i tested after excercise it was 7.3. I was due to test an hour later which was my 2 hour mark and i expected it to be lower than 7.3 but when i tested it was 11.3 - why? I know that the excercise would have decreased the level but how come it shot back up so high? i will test again before bedtime and i'm sure it will have dropped down to an acceptable level but is this what is called a 'spke'? how can i avoid this from happening?

Could have been a Liver Dump ? It might actually have gone too low after the biking and the liver panicked and dumped glucose into the system. many diabetics would a have a bit of carb before strenuous exercise to prevent that. Just a possible cause.
Are you sure you didn't have anything just before the 2 hour test - tea with milk or something ?
Otherwise you might do an experiment - check your bgs every 20 minutes to establish when you peak, and then plonk any exercise you do on or just before that spot in future.
Some foods will cause a spike quickly and some will cause a spike later on. With a roast meal, the fats will cause the carbs to release more slowly and give a soike later on.

It is nothing to worry about. The thing to do is experiment and test. As we are all different, different things have different effects on different people.

Relax, enjoy Christmas, and don't not have a treat. Christmas only comes once a year. As long as you are getting plenty of fresh fruit and veg and are generally eating a balanced diet you will be fine.
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