Can’t hear daughters alarms at night

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi I am have an issue hearing my daughters pump alarms at night. She has a Medtronic 640g pump and we have a baby monitor in her room. The last week we have had 2 occasions when she has gone low and we have heard the alarm go off on the monitor.
She is so used to them now she rarely wakes up either.

Please can anyone recommend a baby monitor or devise to make sure we don’t miss any alarms. Thanks
Does Sugarmate work for Medtronic? Or are there any parental follow apps? With dexcom we have both and if I sleep through the dexcom alarm I will get a phone call from Sugarmate. I don’t know which pumps it works for though.
Does Sugarmate work for Medtronic? Or are there any parental follow apps? With dexcom we have both and if I sleep through the dexcom alarm I will get a phone call from Sugarmate. I don’t know which pumps it works for though.
I have had a look and it doesn’t work with Medtronic ☹️ Thanks x
Ah boo.

Obvious things. Is the monitor placed in the best place? Are there different alarm settings on the pump so you can make it louder or more insistent?

I understand the worry. I had a night where I slept through 2 alerts and even though he dealt with them himself I couldn’t shake the guilt and ‘what if’ for the next few days.

It may be worth reducing the overnight basal (reduce it a couple of hours before you need the BG to be higher) to keep her safe. We just did a big change with my kid’s overnight basal as he was having regular hypos
I have a pump but not the Medtronic. However I thought there was/is a Medtronic app? Does that allow you to receive alarms via your phone?

Edited to add - and have you looked at Nightscout @Luciemaycock ?
On my Medtronic pump there are controls to change the sound settings. On my phone which is linked through the minimed app I can also change the volume of the alarms. I can hear them upstairs when my phone sounds and alarm downstairs so they are pretty loud.
Do you have your sound settings on your phone at their loudest?
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