Cameron puts blame for NHS scandals on Labour

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
David Cameron yesterday shifted the blame for the Mid Staffordshire scandal on to Labour as he faced down yet more clamour for the NHS chief to resign.
In a marked change of tone, he told the House of Commons all those involved in the culture of top-down targets had to consider their position.
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt went even further, accusing former ministers of a ?deafening silence? about the ?catastrophic mistakes? they had made.
He said Labour ?will be held accountable for what happened? ? specifically for ignoring patient care in a drive to slash waiting times, rank hospitals? performance and shake up regulation.
Last month?s Francis Report into the Mid Staffordshire scandal did not blame individual ministers and Mr Cameron insisted there should be no hunt for scapegoats.
Well that twerp now in charge of the whole ruddy NHS was in charge of the Strategic Health Authority that covered Stafford hospital right at the start of when the NHS Quality Audits first uncovered all the mess there, which were ALL reported properly by them in their report to the SHA as 'Immediate Concerns' and now he says he didn't know. They had to go and give evidence at the investigation - when it hit the news they'd done an audit of what they said when and to whom and it was all done properly. They were able to prove that to the investigation.

How did he 'not know' ?

There just isn't any excuse for that, which is what 'the lady at the cafe' has said all along and why her group are absolutely hell bent on getting him out of the job.

I fail to see quite frankly, what it had to do with Government whoever was in at the time and Cameron is just digging a far deeper hole for himself than he ought to be. Not that I would want to stop him ..... just hope there's an ENT surgeon somewhere who can whip Milliband's adenoids out before the next election cos if he get's elected not only will he not be any better but he's also impossible for me to have droning on the telly at me!
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