Calls for bowel cancer screening age to be lowered

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
More than 700,000 people in Yorkshire would gain access to potentially life-saving bowel cancer tests if screening was made available to everyone over 50, according to a charity.

The national screening programme currently covers only people in England aged 60 or over. But the charity Beating Bowel Cancer is calling for testing to be made available to people in their fifties – bringing England in line with Scotland.

My cousin received a diagnosis of bowel cancer at the end of last year, unfortunately it is terminal :( He is 58.
Scotland leading the way again in health matters. It is for the very reason you cite with your poor cousin, Northie. People in their fifties who are getting missed by the current screening. It's a no brainer.
It was 50 in England when they started it Mike cos shedloads of our friends and us, have been 'done' ever since then. Because we aren't 'involved' that much with people 10-15 years younger, I hadn't heard they'd changed it.
Well, I've only known of it as 60 plus, so I don't know when it was changed. We youngsters never know anything, Jen😉
I was done - (as TW says) last March - I'll say no more!!
I've never submitted to this test. I don't need to - the Ulcerative Colitis, which predisposes to bowel cancer, means that I have the luxury of biennial colonoscopies. It's the one disease I won't die of, but I've still got a wide choice🙂
TMI but when I receive mine I have to make sure the house is well provisioned with fruit that is guaranteed to provide me with the wherewithal to do the necessary since we can't always rely on that ......
Oh don't you believe it Jenny - from personal experience 12 months back *that* can be guaranteed 100%😱😱
It was the personal 'we' in this case - I meant I can't rely on it!
Ooops there i go again getting the wrong end of the stick! 🙄
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