Calling all Animas Pump users...

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
...who fancy a challenge! Just received this:

Animas and LifeScan UK/Ireland are proud to announce the launch of a very special event - a must for people using an Animas pump, who have a passion for open water swimming.

The Animas pump is proven waterproof for up to 24 hours at 3.6 metres and to celebrate our pumpers’ passion for swimming, we are holding a UK to France Channel relay swim. We would like five Animas pumpers to be part of the relay swimming team. Mark Blewitt, an experienced long distance and Channel swimmer will be leading the team. Find out more about Mark at

The Channel relay swim will take place one day (weather dependent) between 7th -18th July 2011. Please find attached a letter and application form, which we would be grateful if you could share with your members. Applicants must be aged between 16 and 55 and must be a competent, experienced open water swimmer and be prepared to train on a regular basis.

Completed application forms should be returned to the below address by 24th December 2010:

Animas / LifeScan Channel Swim
Johnson & Johnson
50-100 Holmers Farm Way
High Wycombe
HP12 4DP

Any takers? 🙂 I have application forms I can email you.
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Sounds great - is this to 'prove' the pumps are waterproof.🙂Bev
Damn... I've got the Spirit Combo.

Did I say damn? I meant phew! Heheh...
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