Callibration fluid for caresense duo

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Does anyone know where i can get caresense duo callibration fluid please. I cant find it anymore. Hospital sent me another caresense duo meter because of that so going to have the same conumdrum.
I have always got my fluids from the manufacturer, some charge and some provide free.
I haven't bothered to check my test strips for the past 3+years and I don't think many others here do either, but the manufacturer should supply it if you contact them. You need to ask for control solution I believe as calibration is not possible with meters or test strips.
How do you find your Caresens Duo as I absolutely hate mine? I am onto my third one and it would have me replace the batteries every week if it got it's own way and doesn't like to function below 20 degrees. Starting to think it has a boob fetish as it insists on spending time down my bra before it will give me a reading and it always wastes the first test strip when I go to test because it says it is ready for blood and then dies as it is counting down to give me the reading, so I use 2 test strips for every blood test. Did I mention I hate it 😡! Thankfully, Libre is really reliable for me so I don't have to use it very often these days.
Ooh mines fine, well was up until a few sensors ago. This new one is working better now, giving me acceptably differant figures and not wild ones.yes sorry Barbera, control solution was what i meant but it would surface in my brain lol. ‍♀️
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