Called back for blood test. Nervous and don’t know what to expect

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Been having a rubbish winter health wise. Drs just called to have me make an appointment for another test as blood glucose increased. Family history of type 2 in older women I’m 50.

I’m very nervous and scared of getting a serious diagnosis like this as I’ve been fortunate that physical health has been ok most of my life.

Don’t know how I’ll cope with a dx and making the necessary lifestyle changes. I’m not good at this stuff.

Advice and reassurance would be most welcome.
I was diagnosed in my mid 60s and it was very simple to reverse - it is an inability to deal with carbohydrate but as an ordinary type 2 all I needed to do was reduce the carbohydrate in my diet and that fixed it.
I just snuck into the diabetic zone a couple of years ago having been prediabetic for a few years but by making some lifestyle changes primarily dietary I was able to reduce my Hba1C into the normal range by adopting the principals in this link.
It is a low carbohydrate approach which I found very easy to implement and it is now my new normal way of eating.
You doctor has implied you HbA1C is higher than it should be but may be borderline if they want to repeat the test.
Do find out what the actual result is as that will indicate how far into the diabetic zone you are and therefore how much work you need to do. To give you a diabetes diagnosis your HbA1C will be a number over 47mmol/mol, if below that but over 42mmol/mol that will put you in the at risk zone which is basically a wake up call to make some changes.
Take the opportunity to find out what it is all about then you can be ready to ask questions once you get your results.
Hope you are able to get an update early next week so that you have an idea of what your levels are up to, and gauge what course of action might help.

If you do get a diagnosis with diabetes, try not to worry. Diabetes is a serious condition, but it’s also one that can usually be managed well with a few changes and adaptations - it’s something that you can learn to live well with, and it shouldn’t stop you doing things you enjoy.

Let us know how you get on at your follow up, and the friendly folks here will help you find a way forwards 🙂
Diagnosed today, dr just called after bloods taken yesterday.

Hba1c is 102 (I incorrectly said 103 on other thread but I suspect 1 isn’t much difference) with dr saying I’m well into diabetic territory.

Appointment next week to discuss in more detail, wants to put me on metformin which I am not keen on at all. I need to address diet now and have no idea how! Will look at the link kindly posted by @Leadinglights thank you.

Head is spinning!
Diagnosed today, dr just called after bloods taken yesterday.

Hba1c is 102 (I incorrectly said 103 on other thread but I suspect 1 isn’t much difference) with dr saying I’m well into diabetic territory.

Appointment next week to discuss in more detail, wants to put me on metformin which I am not keen on at all. I need to address diet now and have no idea how! Will look at the link kindly posted by @Leadinglights thank you.

Head is spinning!

I took the tablets, gained some breathing space, trusted the doctors, and we worked on a solution that was tailored to me.
An HbA1c of 100+ puts you at risk of DKA. So unless you've had a previous bad reaction to Metformin, I'd suggest you reconsider your reluctance.

This isn't meant to scare you, just make you aware that it's a possibility & symptoms to look out for. Probably worth purchasing a glucose meter to monitor progress as GPs generally won't prescribe for T2. Also some Ketostix to keep an eye on ketones while you're that high.
Appointment next week to discuss in more detail, wants to put me on metformin which I am not keen on at all. I need to address diet now and have no idea how!
I went ultra low carb threw the metformin in the bin and am still in remission 7 years later.
Lost weight and a load of other medical conditions like hypertension, acid reflux, sleep apnea and regained the ability to walk more than a few hundred metres without needing to pee.
Throw in some time restricted eating for an even better effect.
Meds I have a LOT of problems with side effects, I have major Mh issues and if I had to deal with that too would send me spiralling down again and I was on a relatively even keel. That is actually a bigger priority for me. I’m not just being awkward for the sake of it this is a huge issue for me. I am already on meds for Mh and endo and pain and I don’t want another lot of meds messing them up as they’re working for me very well just now.

It’s also as I said very much the cost factor I’m already sinking into debt with the cost of living crisis.
Like you, I was overwhelmed and somewhat reluctant to take tablets but after a HbA1C result of 96, I knew I was well into the diabetic zone and had to take action immediately. The motivator for me (and I know it's different for everyone) is seeing my auntie, many years ago, suffering the complications of Type 1 diabetes and more recently my mum with vascular issues in her feet (she's not diabetic). Also, I'm only 53 and felt like an old woman most days!

I am taking the tablets (sitagliptin in my case) but also following a low carb diet. I've had no side effects from the tablets and I monitor my blood glucose levels to see what carbs I can tolerate and so far so good. My blood pressure is down and acid reflux had totally gone away, as bulbiker has also said, so there are many benefits to this diet 🙂

With regard to cost, your doctor or nurse should have talked to you about a prescription exemption certificate. Mine didn't but that's rectified now. You're not only exempt from paying for your diabetes meds but all prescription meds.
It’s not a lack of motivation it’s serious major issues with side effects with many meds and this makes my Mh massively worse - potentially fatally so. I am not saying this lightly at all!

I don’t pay for prescriptions anyway as in Scotland but also already disabled and on benefits.

The costs I was referring to were dietary. The basic carbs we are supposed to avoid as diabetic are cheap and filling. The items I am reading we are supposed to eat on a diabetic/low carb diet are stupidly expensive and often hard to source.
I eat a lot of vegetables which are not very expensive, butternut squash, celeriac, swede, peppers, celery, carrots, mushrooms, courgettes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and salad, can all be used to bulk out meals based on eggs, cheese, meat which does not need to be expensive cuts, tinned fish. Frozen veg and fruits are fine and relatively cheap. I will make chilli with 400g mince with kidney beans and lots of veg and that will do at least 6 portions.
A few veg cooked up and blitzed will make a big pot of soup which you can freeze in meal sized portions.
It make take a bit more planning but batch cooking things can help so you can have your own 'ready meal' in the freezer rather than takeaways which are high carb and expensive.
It’s not a lack of motivation it’s serious major issues with side effects with many meds and this makes my Mh massively worse - potentially fatally so. I am not saying this lightly at all!

I don’t pay for prescriptions anyway as in Scotland but also already disabled and on benefits.

The costs I was referring to were dietary. The basic carbs we are supposed to avoid as diabetic are cheap and filling. The items I am reading we are supposed to eat on a diabetic/low carb diet are stupidly expensive and often hard to source.

It depends how you choose to treat your diabetes.
Yes, some low carb options may be expensive, other options aren't any worse than a previous diet would have been.
I eat a lot of vegetables which are not very expensive, butternut squash, celeriac, swede, peppers, celery, carrots, mushrooms, courgettes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and salad, can all be used to bulk out meals based on eggs, cheese, meat which does not need to be expensive cuts, tinned fish. Frozen veg and fruits are fine and relatively cheap. I will make chilli with 400g mince with kidney beans and lots of veg and that will do at least 6 portions.
A few veg cooked up and blitzed will make a big pot of soup which you can freeze in meal sized portions.
It make take a bit more planning but batch cooking things can help so you can have your own 'ready meal' in the freezer rather than takeaways which are high carb and expensive.
Sorry but I disagree, many vegetables are increasingly expensive, add in living alone which means I often can’t use stuff up quickly enough before it goes off, I am
not always able to leave the flat to get shopping and online shopping is more expensive I do that 1-2 times a month mainly to get heavy items.

I only have a small freezer and no money or space for another, which limits me in terms of batch cooking, can only fit one batch cooked thing in there at once along with what else is in there (mainly quorn and frozen veg. I hate frozen fruit it’s rank)

I can’t eg use root veg from raw as due to disability I am not safe peeling and chopping them so would need to buy prepped versions which are more expensive and can be hard to get hold of.

Between disability and Mh problems there are many days I don’t have the motivation, energy or physical ability to cook from scratch. I’m also vegetarian so meat and fish doesn’t apply.
I do apologise if my suggestions were not suitable for you and certainly if you are reliant on pre-prepared vegetables you will have noticed an increase in costs.
There are many who are vegetarian who post here and although it is that bit harder if you do not eat meat and fish which are zero carb options there are other options like tofu, eggs and cheese. veggie sausages. Frozen berries are OK incorporated into sugarfree jelly which makes a good desert with some cream.
You may find some recipes which will suit you in the food /recipes forum here (drop down tab at top left)
I do appreciate you trying to help. I think costs of all foods are increasing anyway.

Funnily I was worried I’d have to give up cheese I love my cheese!

Sorry jelly generally speaking isn’t vegetarian and not a fan anyway hated it as a kid, the texture.

Yea I’ve been looking at food, recipes, meal plans all day, mostly very unappealing and repetitive.
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